
Most likely a problem with stamina consumption, you can destroy every coast monsters from the start with a dagger (and not missing many hits at all) even if you’re a mage. Hell you can destroy the whole first town in the highest difficulty setting from level 1 if you build your character accordingly (a Redguard will

Yes, as indicated this is called FORESHADOWING, not spoilers.

The technological and social progression and growth that humanity made from the beginning of SG-1 to the end of Atlantis was one of the most satisfying things in all of Science Fiction in all of history.

The SNO+ Chamber’s image reminds me of the projected star maps in Prometheus.

You forgot masturbating on everything. Egyptian mythology was just covered in semen.

Gosh darn I miss those shows.

I love it! She’s going to have the most (only?) fun in what is probably going to be a terrible terrible (but probably money making) movie.

It’s one of the few episodes everyone remembers! Also , it’s painfully contemporary as we slowly breed super mosquitoes that can resist anything and spread terrible diseases.

I love you for this, that is all.

I need to get rolling with this. I hope to own the whole darn thing when the Completed Series finishes up next year.

I agree. It’s one of my favorites—and one of the points where the show really starts to figure out its strengths.

Same here!

Folks we made it through another work week.

Kicked the ass of another week. Only an indeterminable amount to go.

This is me, fending off people trying to give me things to do today. No! Begone! TODAY IS MY NOTHING DAAAAY *skreeee*

Holy shit. this episode fucking traumatized me. See, in my old house, my brother and I shared a room for most of our lives. It was ahuge room, used to be a second living room. Once we got older, we decided we wanted our own rooms, and my parents built a wall down the middle, giving us each a decently sized room. So

I read the book as a school kid, which was my first introduction to X Files. I enjoyed the episode too!