
Brilliant... But still entirely unreadable.

At the end of the Ghost Dimension when they showed Toby’s feet someone in the theatre yelled out

“It turns out, that during the sengoku jidai, the only people you could actually trust were the ninjas.”

Totally understand, I had struggles like that when I was reading Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Believe it or not, a selection of Samurai Warriors series games do a similar job of streamlining the history without bastardizing it (either Chronicles on the 3DS, 4’s history mode) and help immersion with some of the

Extra History is just a side series of Extra Credits, a gaming centric series aimed mostly at beginning developers. Great stuff if you ever get the chance to dig into their backlog.

I’ve been on the fence about Nuclear Throne ever since it hit early access. I’d heard it was awesome, but the art looked bland, and the gameplay videos did nothing for me.

When I was reading this sentence (that it’s a “riff on the traditional Star Wars opening text”) I was totally expecting the whole thing to to just be YRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNNNNNH!

Well it’s always easier to make a drawing/illustration look good within it’s own “realm” of rules and stylistic design choices.

Whereas blending cg and reality is a whole different ball game! Make things look real is incredibly difficult and time consuming. Something as little as a slightly “off” movement can make a CG

Afaik it comes down to funding. Something I read frequently on the internet (so yea, not really confirm-able) film is treated like an ugly stepchild compared to what a tv-show might get.

When you can tell the CG is going to be garbage from a trailer,. you have a problem. WHy is it that for all of Japan’s technological advancements, they still can’t do proper CG implementation right? It always looks so fake when coupled with live action, the only compnay excelleing at it being SquareEnix. Just hire SE

The government already successfully regulates legal gambling. Why can’t they regulate this too?

And that is why I gave up on xxxHolic after one episode.

I found the mistake.

I would also add Dumplings to it. As well as Thirst. Foreign horror is the best.

You thought the eagles were bad?

That’s for not putting Levi in the movie.


You hit on the issue, it’s the quality of that extra content. I love Far Cry 4, but tearing down posters is the perfect example of busy work in games to make it look like there is a ton of content.