Poor Table-kun. :(
Poor Table-kun. :(
Don't forget the one where Kenny must defend heaven with the golden psp. Or the guitar hero episode
TT walking dead has left me so uneasy for that feeling! I still haven’t finished Season 2 of that series. Even on the cannibal farm in season 1 I couldn’t kill the family and I just left them to their own demise or the part when you’re given the choice to kill Lilly’s dad I couldn’t do it and Kenny ended up doing it…
After I had been patiently trying to explain the appeal of video games for several minutes, he suddenly said “when I talk to people like you, I just think, why don’t you read a book?”. I told him I had a Masters degree in comparative literature, which tends to involve quite a lot of books. That shut him up.
If you watch Korean movies in other genres besides revenge movies/crime thrillers, such as romantic comedies or dramas, it becomes pretty clear pretty quickly that Koreans LOVE their tear-jerkers. Sometimes there’s kind of awesome mood whiplash within romantic comedies where suddenly the tearjerker sub-plot kicks in…
Well I wasn’t. It’s just the latest in a long line of bad Japanese cinematic output. Live action anyway.
Well, Snowpiercer was made with a Korean director and crew, but most of the cast were Western, and it was shot in Central Europe, where Attack on Titan seems to happen.
Japan being all but defenseless on it’s own and continuing to rely on foreign nations to provide it’s defense seems a bad thing in my opinion. If Japan can have an honest to god military and stand on it’s own, I say they should go for it.
I agree with making the characters Japanese, culturally as far as personalities go they are very japanese. Only the Aesthetics are European, and I’m fine with the asian-euro fusion because it feels different. Sucks the movie is crap. Trailers honestly looked like crap too. Cool visuals and concept do not a good film…
I played it 3 times in 2 days when it came out to get all the endings. First playthrough on “whatever” mode just learning the game and going through it took a day. Second playthrough was pure stealth, and I slipped through it in maybe 7 hours. Third playthrough was pure murder and I blasted through it in like 5 hours.