
Yeah, but wasn’t it mostly punishment leveled on his ‘wife’ (really, you have to wonder how willing she was) and his unborn children. That’s what gets me about that story, and a lot of other Bible stories... God is so absolutely unforgiving someone looking the wrong way gets turned into stone, and then another time, a


My boss grew up in hicksville, Siberia, and drank raw milk all the time, but even he recognizes that he

Make way for Homo Superior, you lactose intolerant morlocks!

Man, that picture of David looks very Year One

For me, the biggest one is that there are what, 8 autobots? And by movie 3 there hundreds of decepticons on Earth..... how is this even a war? What stops the decepticons from just showing up in full force this whole time.

And twists.

GoT also doesn’t have a single main protagonist or group of protagonists.... so you can enjoy the show for Daenarys, John Snow, Tyrion, or even Ramsay Bolton if you’re a sociopath. If you don’t like those three people leading the Shannara chronicles, you’re kind of SOL right?

Yeah, but I was assuming that the enjoyment would be from the ‘made for me’ aspect of it as much as anything, and in a cashless society, I’m sure there are a ton of artists who just want projects. Like a sci-fi Etsy.

There was that one time that Barkley was shown to be concious while going through the transporter beam, enough so that he was able to grab someone that got stuck in there somehow.

It also seems like it would be trivially easy to duplicate any antiquity, since if you can copy a Riker, you can copy a vase, even if your regular replicator is not quite as high fidelity.

Things are going to get real.

Hey, don’t worry, if they’re following the Bible to the letter, Goliath will come back again in 2 Samuel 21:19. Which, if my biblical scholasticism is correct, is called Goliath 2: The Revenge is Personal Just When You Think It’s Safe to Go Back to Bethleham.

“Let’s market sex to a group of repressed people in a format they can consume without feeling guilty.”

Still have mine... it’s probably the only one I used a lot during the actual gameplay, as I tried to figure out which counterspell I needed to crack some protective bubble around a mage.

Really, I would take any of those Egyptians. I actually got some comments in an earlier post on GoE from a guy that knew some sub Saharan African redheads. So, its not like Rameses II was Irish in completion because he had red colored hair.

I usually try there first since the contributors there try not to spoil you too much. Kids In Mind is what my girlfriend uses, but they’re a bit verbose, so they can spoil, and their number scale is pretty inconsistent, but they do at least do every wide release movie.

That’s true... if you’re going to go for an R, you may as well go full R.

It’s a Youtube channel called Hey Ash, Watcha Playing. They make little 2-3 min video game videos, and the woman is the voice of Chloe from Life is Strange and Tiny Tina from Borderlands.