
Marvel prefers the term “make love” or “totally do it.”

Nope! Though Blade wasn’t making Deadpool money, it was still quite successful.

Also, being an R rated property seems to come down to very specific things... JJ probably still would have been an R because of the volume of blood and women enjoying sex, but consider that it had few if any uses of ‘fuck’ and no full nudity. You could have probably swung a PG-13 from the MPAA without too much trouble.

To quote another R-rated superhero movie, some motherfucker’s always trying to ice skate up hill.

It must be Indian Burial Ground. It was preordained when the stars were young.

No one disaproves of a party more than Mr Darcy.

Goddamn, that’s what I was going to write.

Mom’s almost out of the hosptial.

There’s fantasy and there’s just an utter failure of an art department. Look at that picture up at the top of the page. He doesn’t look any different than Jamie Lannister. Saying it’s a fantasy doesn’t excuse making a movie that looks like an Egyptian JRPG level.

A) Because when you make the presumption of the gods of Egypt, you presume that the Gods would at least look Egyptian instead of looking like they walked off the set of GoT and 300. Hell, there were more Mediterranean/Egyptian looking people on GoT.

Yeah, I was a little sad not only that Whitney Frost got shot with a laser right away without much of a fight, and that the zero matter streaming from her hands seems like it hadn’t finished rendering.

Exactly. It would be interested to have antagonists that aren't evil, just with different priorities. The Federation and another democracy could still come to blowa over resources, a third partys manipulation or just philosophy.

Sounds like a good thing to do a DS9 Season 8 comic book for, I think. But in general, it seems like the Cardassians were pretty screwed and the Maquis were all dead, and the Klingons were super weakened.

I know, right? And you’d still have the ‘what is it about me that makes me a good or bad person’ thing going on too. I’m really sad they wanted to try and remake a Wraith of Khan style thing and forgot about Lore!

I was about to say, David Cameron might like/object to that. And then I found this gif. I’m not sure what it means, but Praise the Prophets.

I would love for them to get some of the big names in sci-fi today to give some scripts or ideas. Star Trek is one of those properties that everyone has really mulled over, and I think it would be great to take from some of the sci-fi that wouldn’t exist without Star Trek, but takes concepts and ideas from it and goes

Maybe if you scratched out “Shinzon” and wrote in “Lore” it might work? I mean, Shinzon’s plans made no sense at all, but Lore is the kind of guy that would wipe out the Federation for the lulz.

It will be good that it will have the option of being serialized from the very beginning too. DS9 gradually changed into a fully serialized space opera, but it was still coming of of nearly a decade of finding and throwing away super weapons, mega structures, and god like beings that might have been useful when

Remember, your cat is fully functional.

I have a really hard time seeing a show Post-DS9. After a big war where all the traditional Federation enemies worked together to defeat the Dominion, are we even still in a universe that would resemble traditional trek? The Federation now builds warships, has good relations with the major powers around it, or at