
It seems really hard for people, especially conservative people, to accept that people will fail the high standards you set for them, and that the danger they face when they fail that standard can and should be mitigated.

Perhaps rather than reaching out to parents, we should reach out to teenage boyfriends.

There are two gifs sources I thought of when I saw this episode. That was one. The other... well, you should be careful waving a gun in the face of The Jesus, because nobody fucks with The Jesus.

There are times as a fan you have to accept that any ending at all is a happy ending.


Huh. I don’t think I really noticed all that much tbh.


Pretty well, it feels like a nice blend of the X-files and Buffy. Plus Sam and Dean are pretty hilarious.

Having caught up on Person of Interest, we started Supernatural.

I think the big difference between my teen viewing and my adult viewing is that as a kid, I assumed the film crew just got lost because they were idiots, while when you’re paying more attention, you see that they’ve been supernaturally stuck in a maze of wilderness.

Easy.... easy... DOH

It’s full of Simpsons!

That makes more sense then.... I think I chalked up fighting differences to ability, rather than style, but I’m not exactly well versed in wuxia movies.

Jade Fox stole from Chow Yun-Fat’s school and killed his master, right? I guess I kind of assumed that he and Michelle Yeoh were both students of the same school, but with a different degree of mastery, but I suppose it could be possible that she was just his friend who came from a different background. Certainly Chow

Best selling replicant model yet, or best selling replicant model ever?

True fact, all villains get their start by being dipped in something terrible.

Yeah, the hard truth of Warcraft and MMOs in general is that locking you into play regularly means you spend a lot more of your time on a game than if you were playing a single player game. I may have clocked a lot of hours into Skyrim or Fallout 4, but you put those games down and do other things afterwards, and you

This might be a good place to ask.... why is it in the first movie that the villain, Jade Fox, was not allowed to learn martial arts because she was a woman, but yet Michelle Yeoh’s character seems like she was taught without much issue?

Yeah, I had the same twitch watching 300.... sorry Spartans, you can’t complain about freedom when you’re a eugenics practicing monarchist slave owning police state.

Yeah, I might have forgiven the aggressive Catholicism and other weird themes had it actually been as scary as people suggested.