
Yeah, it’s especially concerning when you consider that people are committing negligent homicides from time to time even today while trying to go through these brutal exorcism rituals. The Exorcism of Emily Rose was basically apologetics for a priest starving a young woman to death. It’s probably going to get worse

The Conjuring still rubs me the wrong way.... I think that the whole ‘witch’ class of movie monster has to be a bit more tactful than say, one about Frankenstein, simply because of how many real people have been murdered because of accusations of witchcraft.

BWP had a hype that it would have been hard for any move to live up to.... having see it as a teen and an adult, I think it was interesting and spooky in places, but it has a lot of filler for a not very long movie. And the abrupt, almost anti-climax ending that never shows you the monster... well, I can see that

Really, as long as we’re getting more good stuff from both, and less Madagascar 8: Haha, the Animals Start a Bank!, I’ll be pretty happy. Cause as much as kids love good movies, I’ve known them to be just as happy watching that Will Arnet squirrel movie over and over and over again.

And those are *free* services too. We had Amazon Prime lapse a little while ago and didn’t notice for a few weeks because we hadn’t really been using it since we finish all the Stargates... which is good, clearly we don’t need it. But I’m sure Tidal probably dings you every month automatically.

Super is a weird movie... I liked parts of it quite a bit, but man, it really goes into some dark places, and stays there for a really, really long time. Something like Wanted or Kick-Ass was largely fun popcorn violence, but Super managed to be legitimately sad and disturbing.

Or just don’t want to clutter their lives with yet another streaming service for the sake of a single albumn.

I wish TV would stop trying to take ideas that work well as a podcast or a youtube video series and make a full on show out of them.

I also wonder if it’s not that restocking gets interrupted, and it’s just a product that has a high turn over?

Cue daring escape!

Oh no, the snow has started!

Honestly, I have no idea. Bread, I get. Sandwiches are easy to make. But eggs and milk? Not exactly staples, or easy power outage food.

I hope you’ve already got your bread, because the stores are gonna be nuts.

It might snow a bit this afternoon.

I do prefer my villains to have friends and loved ones.... Benjamin Linus from Lost was brought up in another thread, and he’s a good example. He has a daughter and a group of people he cares about, and he makes some pretty horrifying decisions because of them.

Yeah, it’s not like the important tweets aren’t mentioned on blogs or news sites, or what not. My nieces and nephews all use a wide assortment of platforms for different things. I think twitter can be useful... certainly I derive great joy in real scientists mixing it up with Deepak Chopra, which probably wouldn’t

He was kind of a complicated villain too.... Ben was probably my favorite character in Lost. He might have done bad things, but he did them for what he assumed were the right reasons. Which it turned out were from his misinterpretations of the desires of some asshole deity.

Well, it’s Star Wars, so you got two ways you could go :)

Well, it’s going to reach a logical maximum, isn’t it? Twitter isn’t for everyone, and it seems like it’s pretty easy for other people on twitter to ruin the experience for you.

My and my girlfriend’s neices and nephews will watch all manner of weird videos online... cartoons about rude unicorns, ‘funny’ videos made in minecraft, and quote them at length like you would a movie. It’s a pretty strange age, and it’s only going to get harder to keep up with them.