
Oh yeah, Michael Emerson was so great as a villain on Lost, it was nice to see him do an equally complicated and hero character.

It’s a more manageable disease, most of the time. I guess it just depends on how well you can manage your human eating tendencies.

I think Person of Interest has managed to handle AI/Survelance sci-fi better than almost any show I’ve ever seen. Glad Netflix finally put it up.

Are you not watching Orphan Black? You should start watching Orphan Black. It’s a sci-fi show that gets the science right ya’ll.

Yeah... it was probably a lost cause either way. But I think if you were making those movies to make them good, or making any movie, its better to take the time to recast an actor that’s a bad fit than bog down the whole show.

I think the biggest thing DS9 did was insure that their ships could actually take punch. You’d be forgiven for thinking that Federation ships exploded if anything at all was wrong with them if you watched only TNG. Or really, any other ship. The Enterprise either dominated, or it was in instant peril.

My friends always called that move the Peter Parker. It made one friend so pissed off that Peter didn’t even think about MJ’s ability to decide for herself, that her husband went and spoiled himself for Spiderman 2 just to make sure it wouldn’t happen again.

Watson and Radcliff just have such great on screen chemistry. I totally get that they would just be close friends, but it always seemed like the sort of friendship that someone like Ginny would be immediately jealous of.

Yeah... TV definitely teaches you some really bad dating advise, especially since most of the characters that do that are the nerd/socially awkward/misfit. What they don’t tell you is that when someone lets you into their life and shares friendship with you, it can be deeply upsetting to tell them that you want to

There was also a lot of stuff that the plot would dictate that you could not replicate.. vaccines for instance, but it was never explained why they could transport a person, or a vaccine shipment, but not replicate it.

Poor Harry. Didn’t Seven just roll up to him one day and ask if he wanted to have sex? And he just folded in on himself and said no? I think I just threw up my hands and gave up on that character at that point.

Oh god, that happened?

Really, I just want them to address the “Does the Transporter kill you and build a duplicate?” issue. TNG implies no, with that episode where Barclay is aware during transport.... but the duplication of Riker seems to imply that you can just print out copies of a person.

It’s hardly the worst example, just the one that comes to mind. Anime is just rife with barely reformed monsters like Vegeta pairing off with people who really should know better.


I think there’s a correlary rule to the out of nowhere pair up.... It’s allowed if there is a time skip, and the two actors have great chemistry. Juliet and Sawyer were both just such boss characters, it was hard for that to go wrong.

I just can’t see those two together and think how much more chemistry Natalie Portman had with Mila Kunis.

9. Villain romances.

Ideally, you recast. Chemistry with Ms Portman should have been their number one casting concern....