
There were some backstory episodes in TNG, but nothing like what you’d get on a modern show, where each character’s backstory will gradually be spooled out over the first few seasons.

I’d love for there to be aliens that were less disturbing culturally, like the pro-torture Cardassians, or the paranoid and aggressive Romulans, and more disturbing biologically. I’d love to see the Federation striving for positive interactions with aliens that have infanticide, cannibalism, death at reproduction, or

I think you don’t have to go completely hard sci-fi. Just maybe spare a thought to whether transporters are something commonly used everywhere, or if they’re just built into ships.... can you replicate a shuttle craft? Why not? Do some of that geeking out in the planning phase, so you don’t have to always fall back on

I think Star Trek, as a whole, could really use a good step back and a re-evaluation of all its magical tech. When it’s not Khan blood, it’s transporters making Tuvixs and Double Rikers, Holodecks making AI villains, and replicators making a bartender’s life pretty dull.

Yeah, one of the nephews is just terrified of witches, which seems to encompass all dangerous magical women. For me personally, I was super afraid of your standard almond eyed grey alien as a kid.... there was one on the cover of some book, and it took watching Close Encounters of the Third Kind before I finally was

I think the most questions those boys had though had to have been from that time they watched The Ten Commandments. Growing up in a religious house hold, it was old hat to me... but for non-religious kids, it must be like watching madness.

Yeah.... you are right.... PG13 is such a broad range of violence these days. The Dark Knight really felt like an R rated movie to me, even if it didn’t have swears and blood in it.

It’s a tough balance... you’re always going to be shocked the first time you see something really scary. My boss grew up in the USSR, and the first real American movie he saw? Aliens. He certainly found it just as shocking as I did when I saw it on TV at age 12.

My girlfriend’s nephews are just full of questions about Deadpool. Who would have thought a superhero who acts like a 5th grader would be popular with 5th graders.

Of course there are different interests in geekdom.... I could count the number of comics I’ve read on... .lets see. Sandman, Saga, Rat Queens, Scott Pilgrim, Watchman. One hand. There are plenty of games I’ve never played too.

I’ve been meaning to check out Harmontown at some point. Two hour long podcasts tend to be harder for me to want to start, but it’s worth it?

18 million copies sold. That’s about as many people as watch TBBT, and it’s a game that people share with their friends and families, so that’s probably millions more that have at least experienced it.


That was... kind of my point? I understand not every joke is gonna be detailed. But TBBT *could* be a showcase for why nerds like things, you know? Making a joke about a boob on the cover of Saga could just as easily be a joke about any number of other adult themed graphic novels.

TBBT waffles back and forth on laughing with or at, like Schrodinger’s Nerd Blackface. Sometimes the enthusiasm for science or fun geekiness is the point, sometimes it’s the punchline. The inconsistency of it is really what got to me after a while.

I’m down for new environments, but also environments that avoid becoming super busy CGI fests. Or use the CGI to compliment an already existing place.

There was another great scene where they played Eye of the Tiger while Sheldon and Raj looked at a chalk board and just thought.

Socially awkward people are always going to be socially awkward. I think that is always going to be a problem.... but having grown up in a mostly rural part of the south, I’m pretty fine with everyone in the world not being afraid to like the things they like. I constantly felt like not liking sports meant that I got

My girlfriend and I both really loved when they invented their own Doctor Who version. Me because I loved Doctor Who, and enjoyed seeing a parody of it, and her because she hated it, and thought that it nicely showed how ridiculous it was.