
I tried using that Yahoo Roku app to watch season 6 of Community. Yeeeeeeesh. Auto play random videos when you start up? Make the interface a big jumble?

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George Carlin had a nice bit on cemetaries.

All I could think of was Stephan King on Family Guy making a desk lamp into his next book idea because it happened to be lying around.

Yeah, that’s the impression I got... Yoda didn’t want Luke to leave because he didn’t want to send a half finished Jedi out to get killed or, more likely, corrupted by Vader. And all of the books after the original movies seem to imply Luke and Leia had no problems with getting into relationships.

Is the Jedi Order’s policy of celibacy really an ascetic practice, or is it a way to minimize the number and power of Force users by taking them out of the gene pool?

Given that India sent a probe to Mars and Russia sent their Mars probe into the Pacific, I think they’ve got a lot of work to do.

Fox definitely has become my second favorite character (after Lee), after this episode.

It’s funny how everyone solved his riddles really quickly. Not so clever are you Nygma?

Tabitha would have taken her revenge immediately, without waiting for a bunch of monks to do something at the strike of midnight.

Man, have I mentioned how I like Lee? That look she gave Jim when he asked her to marry him, and how she immediately took the drivers seat in the car when he went off to talk with Fox and Bullock when they showed up?

Good luck with your writing!

The smocks Rick was wearing were bedsheets.

Well, most every organism can repair fragmentation of its DNA to varying degrees. The real issue is the information loss that happens when you get a double strand break... the enzymes that fix it need to chew a bit of DNA away first before they can stick the ends together.

I think I got Katniss’s antipathy from the movies. As my girlfriend says, her face just shouts “I’M BUSY” every time Gale or Peeta tries to rope her further into a relationship. She simply just doesn’t have the mental time or energy for either of them for most of the series, or she’s so busy trying to keep them from

I swear, there is just something about a box office bomb that makes people flock to it and defend it’s reputation, no matter how objectively terrible it is.

I guess I don’t have an easy time remembering the characters names from some of Heinlein or Arthur C Clarke’s book either (while I could probably rattle off most of the cast of Dune).

How did we learn to be immune to pain? Practice practice practice.

You know what, I’ll take a young looking Bruce over having a 25 year old 90210 actor play him any day.

Hah, it is one and the same! I wanted to say that it looked familiar, but I’ve seen so many churches, and... is it too atheist of me to say that they all look alike?

Ah, but can you remember his actual name, which he went by for 3/4ths of that book? Or the name of the lady he fell in love with, or her husband?