
It’s just the story of an invasion of transdimensional orcs helped by their demon masters and a titan corrupted human wizard. It’s a story as old as time.

Or it being way, way to serious and full of itself.

I would also accept the Golden Compass Bears

Also, Ravi is a very understanding and generous person to help a person he discovered consuming the brains of corpses figure out her condition, and spending a lot of time with her, even when she has a dangerous and infectious disease.

Did you watch the trailer? Did you see what the two main gods look like?

Even so, you don’t exactly see a patch white dude beard on the rest of the Pharoah scupltures.

There are microbial organisms that live in really phosphorous poor environments that have dramatically shrunk their genomes, and others that live in sybiosis relationships that become real specialists. Aphids can have these bacteria that are basically like little amino acid factories, and little else.

I’m going to put out a recommendation for Carl Zimmer’s book Parasite Rex, because I think that parasitic organisms are often overlooked in biology, and they’re fascinating, both for how they alter the food chain, and for how they challenge our basic understanding of organisms.

Man, what a buddy team up that would be.

Hathor is Elodie Yung, who I’m not very familiar with, but will apparently be Electra in the next season of Daredevil.

Have you seen the animated movies Secret of Kells and Song of the Sea? They both feature some pretty heavy Celtic myth.

I was thinking of Rome more in that it set out to showcase how different the people of the past were, and tried to get the little niceties of history down as well as the big Caesar crossing the Rubicon stuff.

We have one effect, but damn if we know how to use it.

It would be nice to see Egypt given the same treatment as in the show ‘Rome’, and have that melange of ethnicity as a showcase. I bet you could probably get a lot of really great talent for it.

That pertains more to where on the spectrum of North African Caucasian/Mediterranian/Black African they fell on.

Even Sub-saharan Africa would be different back then... I feel like I read that the big Bantu language group migration didn’t happen until 2 or 3 thousand years ago, and that would have put it within the lifespan of Egyptian culture.

Well, no. But it’s primary Egyptian gods did at least look the part.

I was just confirming my old recollection that Rameses II might have been a redhead, if hair analysis is to be believed. The ancient world was a weird place... though it wouldn’t suprise me if that was more because of a series of foreign brides rather than a clue that all the Egyptians were redheads.

Man, I had no idea he did an Egyptian version of that story too. Neat.

Less that and more... you put out a casting call in Hollywood CA in the 1950s, is that going to get international attention? I honestly don’t know how local all this stuff was back then.