
Yeah, that’s what I figured. Honestly there are a lot of classic comedies that feel that way to me... I didn’t watch Caddyshack, Fletch, Blazing Saddles and a bunch of other classic 80s comedies till I was an adult and just didn’t find them that great. So even the slap stick doesn’t always sit right with me either.

More like a much nicer Doctor Doom. He uses a lot of magic

I actually thought Casablanca held up pretty well. Maybe because it was about fighting Nazis when winning wasn't a sure thing.

Eh, Jaws and Star Wars effects may not hold up 100%, but I foind both of them made me laugh a lot more than Annie Hall.

Yeah, I can watch Holy Grail over and over again.

She wasn’t even that manic or pixie to my more modern sensibilities. She’s like, 0.25 Zoeys on the Deschanel Scale. I think she just liked to wear a tie, but it’s not like went to a breakfast place at midnight and ordered steamed clams before writing a beat poem about Woody Allen’s lonely heart.

Having once been cheated on and then dumped, I pretty readily got both the understanding that your former partner is a human being too, who makes mistakes and is reacting to your mistakes, while still also wanting to see them getting dumped too :)

My friends in the SCA talked a lot about medieval weapons, and it always came back to some simple ideas.

If you click the expand button, they work.

It’s funny that you’d find a problem with that, because I thought that was the best part of the movie... it didn’t make Sara Marshall a complete villain, and it accepted that Jason’s character wasn’t totally blameless. It even humanized Russel freaking Brand, though honestly her bad decision was mostly picking him at

This looks like a job for mechagodzilla and a lot of homeowners insurance!

Deploy head spiders!

Spam all beams! Macross all missiles!

It’s such a subjective thing, and comedic tastes are constantly changing... I’d probably have a list that weighs heavily on newer comedies, like Bridesmaids, Forgetting Sarah Marshal, Shawn of the Dead, with some of those Mel Brooks and Bill Murray movies to round things out.

I never really got the appeal of Annie Hall either. Maybe because all of its clever techniques have all been borrowed and refined by decades of other movies and sitcoms? Or maybe because it’s a little harder these days to see Woody Allen as not a total pervert? And your right, it’s a real downer of a movie.

We’re all human beings!

I have a lot of medieval recreationist cat owner friends.

He seems like Ben Kingsley... he just gets cast as any race or nationality you need. It helps that these days the British accent use used for any time and place.

Heh. “He’s more cocaine now, than man.”