
Oh yeah.... I’d forgotten about that. Though I think the difference was that he *knew* the Jedi kids, and probably helped train them.

“According to Ben Carson, the Jews basically built everything in your country anyways!”

And not just white, like super blue eyed white guys. AT least get a tan and a shave people. And Egyptian style beards!

Phantom Menace really undercuts the, ah, Menace, by having 2 of the 4 resolutions of the plot involve a completely unskilled person utterly and completely devastate their opponents. 3, if you consider that Darth Maul is killed by a jumping teenager.

Eh, I still never bought that Anakin turning into Darth Vader. There’s a critical leap of logic from “I must save my wife” to “I should kill about sixty kids” that I just never got. Just because he was willing to kill to protect Palpatine doesn’t mean suddenly everything is on the table.

The Monarch hates Doctor Venture so much.... its never explicitly been explained why, but after following Rusty around for 5 seaons, you can kind of understand why.

He had temper that he suppressed after a childhood accident, where he hit a bully and he went to the hospital for appendicitis. Who he called Bad Harv.

Xanatos too. He wanted a lot of stuff, and he wasn’t afraid to get his hands dirty to get it. But he also really cared about people in his life, and generally wasn’t trying to kill everyone, just attain immortality and power.

Maybe that means Theon and Sansa are okay after all!

Heh, yeah, I’ve just started Person of Interest, and the fact that Detective Carter features prominently in every ad I’ve seen for Empire does not bode well for her character’s lifespan at all :) Looking up actors in IMDB can spoil you too, when you realize that they’re not on the show for the whole run. I’m not

You guys already made a perfect gif for the reason why.

Yeah, that’s why I didn’t like the Doctor just taking out the Prime Minister for her decision. It was petty.

Maybe? I think the Doctor severely overestimated the propaganda value of his victory. He wanted it to be ‘Earth is protected’, but I could easily see it being ‘Earth is protected by a singled individual’. Turning that spaceship into ash also neatly communicates the idea that ‘Earth is Protected’.

I just refuse to do it. I will learn the rules and mechanics to whatever game, but I refuse to learn the rules and mechanics of another less fun game within the game for the sole purpose of spending my time in a post apocalyptic or distant future staring at a stack of goddamn cards.

“It seems like the vic was murdered in the dark by a horde of axe wielding psychopaths.”

I got the same impression... Blaine wanted his father to experience what his treatment of them is like up close and personal.

It certainly would be good to watch during any discussion of WWII. I don’t think we, as Americans, don’t really get a good view of Japanese or German civilian experiences during WWII.

It certainly would be good to watch during any discussion of WWII. I don’t think we, as Americans, don’t really get

Graveyard of the Fireflies is some grade A sadness.

Graveyard of the Fireflies is some grade A sadness.

I tried to think if I were in her shoes, and a genocidal force was defeated in single combat by another alien and asked to leave... well, I wouldn’t feel safe. You don’t know how honorable those aliens are, and if the warning wouldn’t disuade those species that didn’t give a crap about single combat.