
You probably can’t judge the whole of a nations cinematic output by a manga adaptation. However, you can’t help but be a bit disappointed by the CGI just looking kind of blah when Japan has a near mythological status for high technology. Surely the tech that gives Hollywood its elven armies and racoons with guns isn’t

“We shouldn’t be too fussed with moviemakers changing the source material to make the film better. We should be when they make it worse.”

At least in New Vegas, if you press down on a number key and select a weapon, you can assign it to that key (but not button 2, which cycles through your ammo types). Which I figured out after I’d finished 2 of the 4 DLCs.

The Deathknights tank by healing themselves with the damage they do to the boss (if I recall correctly). So, like most tanking jobs, there isn’t always a lot of margin for error. You’ve got to press those buttons right, or you’ll be slagged. Its probably an easier thing to solo than some other bosses that do more

You would think, by this point, that ‘Can you get stuck forever in the game” would be something they’d check for in beta. Though I wouldn’t put it past EA games to throw that in there in the hopes of forcing their enslaved gamers to make micropaments for fantasy food.

For learning how to ruining your friendships, Risk 2210. “Wait, why are you nuking me?” “Because I can, because I can.”

Yeah... I will pull out games I really enjoy and replay them again from time to time... it just seems a bit harsher to demand a large % completion to get *any* ending at all. I’d probably have to see it myself, but it doesn’t seem like it would be organic to the main plot of the game if you didn’t get your ending

I do feel bad that the ‘replay to get the evil ending’ style of gaming is kind of done thanks to youtube. But I have so many games on my steam list these days, its probably better not to spend hours to see a few minutes of enjoyment.

Innocence... I’m still not sure how I feel about it, but it had perhaps the best illustration of Decartes’s problem of knowing whether reality is real I’ve ever seen put to film. They should show that in college philosophy classes.

Yeah, if you don’t get the Spread Fire, you get hozed really easily.

As someone who played from release until just before WOTLK came out, I feel nostalgic for the good times I had playing WoW, but man, it was a frustrating game at times. Trying to cobble together a group of 40 people to raid in vanilla was the biggest boss there was... especially since I started playing with a guild of

And, at least in the early MC only part of Wow, Epic items weren’t even necessarily *good*. Blizzard had no idea that defense was going to be as big of a stat for tanks as it ended up being, and so the initial bit of the Warrior epic armor was just not as helpful as some of the blue items that could render you

I think the most I’ve ever stolen in any game was in the Baldur’s Gate series. Given that you could have a whole class that revolved around stealing, it only made sense that you could rip off shop keepers, pick pocket interesting things from npcs, and what not. You could stack pick pocket potions and just take the

Yeah, I don’t think many of my friends I played WoW with have ever gone into another MMO. Why would you? WoW was popular enough to support lots of new content, and even that was showing with what seemed like aching slowness. Going into a smaller MMO pretty much garuntees that you’re investing all of your time into

It could also be just that playing WoW for any length of time basically vaccinates you against the standard gameplay in MMORPGs. Some of my friends who quit around the same time I did in BC went back, but they all quit again pretty rapidly. Everything always ends up either being frustratingly hard or becoming a chore.

I think the first KOTOR is still my favorite. The gameplay was a bit creaky compared to the more polished style you get in Mass Effect, but it was really great to play a Star Wars game that wasn’t tied to the hilt to the original trilogy.

Deus Ex: HR still gave me a pretty memorable moment during the helicopter crash. Up till that moment I’d barely killed anyone in the game, trying to play the nice guy that saves everyone. I looked at my helicopter pilot struggling to keep the bad guys off of the downed chopper, and thought about how best to save her.

Ah Black Lagoon... I really enjoyed that anime, but the last few episodes had probably the worst English as spoken by a Japanese person I've ever heard in anime. I know they were making the point that the main characters had probably been *really* speaking English the whole time, but good lord, just get someone else

Monster is just amazing... I just wish I had watched it all at once, instead of having to patiently wait for more to be released. They also did a really good job of capturing the sights and feel of that part of Europe.... I once took a train from Munich to Prague, and Tenma took the same train, and saw the same stuff

My problem is that non-lethal play seems to come with such a high bar. Miss a take down? You have to reload. I just found it laborious after a while, but I wanted the good ending.