
I find the total lack of any apparent signs of sea life in this video disturbing. Where are the fish?

He missed the opportunity to do a massive moonwalk...

Lol @ xbone ^^

R9 280x, runs just fine, thanks.

HOLY SHIT the driver issues was YEARS ago. Theyve even largely corrected their micro stutter problems in xfire now as well. NVIDIA fanphreaks stop using the driver excuse its not valid anymore! All it does is show just how out of touch you are

too bad dying light isn't worth 60$ and can't even come up with it's own lock picking system

Um what? What is exactly a plague about them? The company who wants to make technology exclusive and hopefully make you pay for them (Nvidia), like their controller won't work if it isn't running on their graphic card. Or a company that takes the war seriously and make fun campaigns in good harmony (AMD), for them it

every new gen console has an AMD chip, also they make CPUs , believe me AMD is doing all right.

Ya I just got a 970 coming from a 7970 and I call bullshit on the drivers. In fact, I find that AMD drivers are WAY better than Nvidia drivers.

So you're telling me it was one guy with six guns, and he was a senior frigging citizen?

AMD has been focusing on the CPU+GPU integrated chip market recently, and from what I can tell, delivers fairly good results.

AMD is contracted to make the GPU of both XboxOne and PS4.
Maybe they're not doing well in the PC market but I think they're fine.

Would AMD not be doing very well as a company seeing as their chips power the PS4 and Xbox One?

I've been hearing good things about this all over the place lately. I'm going to check it out soon.

Ok, Heat is on this list. It is valid. Heat should be #1 really. Apparently they show the scene with Val Kilmer reloading in SWAT classes.