
Yes it’s an smg...

Oh man, please oh please Turn10!!!

This is a something I could get behind as a Remaster.

I remember these most because around the time these were made, MS sent me something in the mail for when Windows Media Player when 1080/HD media was just starting to hit and in the envelope was folded cardboard CD holder with a couple discs and they contained the videos on it.

I wonder, is it gonna follow the same ordeal as the last go around, pay $10 or something to watch all the videos in their fullness, or are they going back to the free youtube channel viewing?

Let this be a lesson folks, money can buy you cars, but it cannot buy you skill or brains.

I do lol. Especially after getting a House of Judgement package for no apparent reason and it containing an Aegis of the Reef. It’s a fantastic gun and has some good stats to go with it. Prior to the Aegis I was using a Suros PDX and a Apple of Discord.

Increase Siva Offering drop rates, but still leave it where Skeleton Keys are rarer than yr 1 Gjallarhorn....

My only issue with this, and sure it’s 2 years old and yes this is from ign, but....

this is why I trust snopes as far as I can pick up and throw that tahoe in the picture.

Christian Von Koenigsegg just wept very bitterly.

Great Article Cecilia.

Actually I don’t think it would be all that difficult. Granted the quality is different but You could order a Figure of your Rock Band character. You were able to customize them quite extensively and they were only like $40 or $50.

Oh god, so rarer ones are 5km... Well great cause I must have a stupidly rare pokemon on my hands. I have one that requires 10km....

I probably could have gotten more, but I can’t even really imagine how much I had truly bought. Probably around 8 or so sticks in that time. Anyways, I went through the process and got a check the other day for $70.29 so I can’t really complain.

I love Destiny, but this answer regarding content is pretty disconcerting for me because as with any game of this caliber where it is as a basis being an mmo type game, if content isn’t there you lose player base. A lot of people that I have seen on PS4 are coming over from the xBone to start anew, to give em

Wow, that’s actually disappointing. Aside from more working part’s and the fact that it is actually functional, sans phone, why in the world would they think (pun intended) that plastic is the way to go.... $200 more for working parts, a screen, and the holotape usb drive that I’m guessing comes stored with the music

I certainly didn’t earn it lol. I got mine long after I got a Mythoclast, Fatebringer, Epilogue, and so many other things. Heck I had more complete sets of DB Raid gear on my Warlock, literally had 6 complete sets including the helm, got mine the day they made it avail on Normal mode and it was my very first Crota

I agree with that. I had stopped playing after TTK for a while till the April Update. Namely because I couldn’t bring myself to want to do KF as I have yet to still complete that just to get over that 300LL hump, I was stuck at 299. Then April’s Update drops, now I still haven’t played a lot but I have managed to get

I don’t have a Xbone, but i was able to pick it up on the store on my PC. So if I ever do get one, it’s there waiting for me.