
I’m happy now, like this is so awesome.

I just saw that there is a sequel due this month and supposedly compared to the first one this appears to be significantly better.

That was bloody brilliant

I used to be one of those people who solely sought out that weapon only to get drops for everything else. I've had 3 Thunderlord's drop and I've lost count on other exotics, and multiples of all but the CE fusion and rocket launcher (yet to get).

I use to work at a local computer shop as a bench tech. I wasn't out on the floor that day but with as bad as it was I may as well have been.

We were fairly busy this one day and I was in the back working on some PC's and a few hours into my shift I start noticing this odor. I start walking around to find where the

Because any self-respecting person would name their ranger Aragorn... ooh how about Strider, I hear that's a good one!

It will be interesting to see if Clarkson decides to go through with his intentions of suing the BBC. Aside from that it's most certainly done unless BBC sells the right's. It certainly won't be on US TV unless it's on Premium Broadcasting. I just don't think the US networks would dig the trio's (mainly Clarkson)

It's very good. It's really all about strategy. There's no micromanaging with resources or base building. It's reminiscent of some of the missions from the old C&C game's where you're given X units and you need to use them wisely.

I need to visit there soon. I haven't been back "home" since 95.

Ah inspiration for how I should design my next Cities: Skylines village lol. Anyways these are incredible shots.

One would certainly hope. I'm betting on late 2016 though, maybe early 2017. I tend to lean towards later because of just how much they can explore now. Classic Disney, Marvel, Star Wars, that's going to be a bombastic game.

A friend of mine that works for a banking SW corp. was recently in LA and was saying how he recognized a lot places and had this feeling he had already been there, because of GTA V. He said the pier was nearly dead on.

If they outsourced to people to work from home for their support team I'd apply in a heartbeat.
Customer Service has always been my thing because I love to help those who need it.

Apple has really great support and the majority of their employee's work from home. I have several friends that work from home for them and

Missouri is awful, not the worst in the nation but it's bad enough.

Yeah I have a 50/5 connection with Suddenlink here in SW Missouri and we have a 250GB data cap. If I do any serious torrenting via VPN that cap is easily maxed.

Thankfully SSD's are consistently dropping in price. I was on Amazon the other day and they are shipping Samsung EVO 850 (non-pro) 500GB drives for under $180.

Black Friday in 2013 I picked up 2 Seagate 600 240's and they're fantastic and very consistent. However those were also $120 a pop. As always I say I should

Q: Once I am a member of Gamers Club Unlocked, is there a limit to how many new video games I can buy with my 20% discount?

Yeah I picked up the My Gamer Club Unlocked back in January. They had sent me a 10% off any item coupon in my email and it worked on it so I got it for $27 bucks. Unfortunately it was never activated as the girl at the counter hadn't read the instructions lol. I took it up there 2 weeks ago to activate it, so it 2

I have a set of those Mike and they are hand's down the best ones I've ever used, aside from the incessant clicking of the strum bar. One of the guitar's Whammy Bar (Tremolo if you will) has ceased to function but not sure if it can be fixed. It's more than likely a spring cause there is no tension in it anymore.

Well also as everyone has has clamored for a VII remake, it's been said that it will only happen if they end up in dire straights. If XV bombs, and I doubt it will tank, that's when we'll see credence for VII being truly worked on. At this point SE needs a Cash Cow, and if these games don't deliver the only thing they