
These change's (fixes) would be great. The Faction Wars sounds like a really grand idea and would likely draw people in to playing the crucible when they normally wouldn't.

Yup I'm right there with you. I have the ION Drum Rocker for the 360 as well as the Keytar and 2 of the Wooden Mad Catz guitars. And of course everything I do now is solely on PS4. If they come up with a way to maybe convert them over (since both systems are identical architecture) then no need to fear.

I would say Murica but this is obviously Murican't.

no joke, that game was super fun, granted I was horrible at it, but nonetheless very fun. I might have to fire it up again, pretty sure it's lying on one of my many drives somewhere.

Hey Mike, you have Helldiver's listed twice for the 3rd and the 10th.

On a side note, I cannot wait for that game, it's going to be so much fun.

Half-Life 3 Confirmed. All praise Lord Gaben.

Confirmed. All Praise Lord Gaben!!

If Verizon did have the mindset that they own the internet and everyone has to bend down to their will, non of this would be happening. Unfortunately I think it's idiotic for them to go after the FCC, but it seems they just want to burn through their money at the cost of their customer's by raising prices, lowering

Now come on, the TWD bit was rather spoilery but whatever. The obvious thing here is that last bit of the sentence. Everyone darn well knows it's likely Negan. Been way to many baseball bats recently.

As much as I want to say that this thing is overpowered, I dropped people left and right in the IB that were using the Vex with a 307 Suros. That gun is overpowered in PvP, IB and standard Crucible.

I'll be honest and I'll probably be the only one that feels this way, but I really don't want to see Matchmaking come to Raid's. Last thing I want to do is depend on people I don't know that could totally bomb the entire thing regardless of how much "glue" you're using to keep the group together.

I haven't played in a while, but I had moved on from my WD before RoS came out and had started one of every class. Since around this time the auction house was still around I had managed to get some ok gear but now it definitely doesn't stack up to what's available now. Prior to this I could run up to mid nightmare

Props of course, but damn, that's a lot of game time unless this player was lucky with xp bonuses. 1072 levels in roughly 4-6 months time is insane. I'm thinking that would have easily equated to 20-40 hours a week, although I could be wrong, but if you get paid to play then more power to you.

It's there and it does in fact work on ad's. Of course that's assuming I don't have AdBlock running which is a constant aside from specific sites I whitelist.

I think my favorite thing I crafted would have to have been the Lacerator. It's just deceptively potent, at least in the beginning. Taking out demolishers made it easy especially when I unlocked the Drop Kick ability.

I remember this as well as it happened about 5 years after we moved to Nixa from Jersey.

One of my friend's dad was working for the FBI regional office and was brought onto the case for a while.

yeah I picked one up last year as well so I could actually play BF4 and other more recent title's. It handles DA:I well with my 2500k@4.0 but I think the game could have used more optimization.