Sister Nancy

In case there’s any doubt, run the following thought experiment: Starting tomorrow, no child is born who is unwanted. None. They magically disappear. Whom will start having many, many fewer children? Poor people. Who provides the inexpensive, low-level labor that allows the 1% to have their houses cleaned, their

Yep, nothing like NDAs and complicit women to round out this clusterfuck of an event that was all the horrific news stories of the last few weeks and months rolled into one package.

also fantastic qualities for a POLITICIAN! Cec 2020! For anything! Literally any office I’ll throw my money at her!

The really disgusting thing (of a whole heap of disgusting things) about the Presidents Club* was that the women acting as hostesses were forced to sign a contract which not only demanded they never speak about what happened at the evening, but also indemnified the agency against any lawsuit they might bring if the

I wish her well in all she does.

Someone should send Trump a shark in the mail. Not a good shark, but one that never moves out of the left current or one that voted against Krillary Clinton. Now the ocean is stuck with Donald Humpback.

UK Update:

She was so gracious when she visited the Planned Parenthood I worked at in 2010. She was so supportive and kind to the staff. It was a hard job — huge volume of clients who were stressed and angry and had to stay way longer for the appointment than they were led to believe, plus protesters. She really had a knack for

She could run for Kirsten Gillibrand’s Senate seat in 2020 if Gillibrand runs for President instead of running for re-election. 

O yeah! She’s her mother’s daughter, so definitely running.


Please please please let this mean she is running for office.

Yeah, I find it hard right now to trust any famous guy. For some old reason.

Because even little dogs need love too, here is Henri, in a wool sweater, having taken over Marzipan’s bed (she’s in her crate, taking a puppy nap). What he lacks in floof, he makes up in sad eyes.

Tom Cotton adamantly denies this story, says it was the Economist.

Oh agreed, the sexism coming from Star Wars discussions is super saddening.

She is brave for doing this because she will be attacked mercilessly online.

Honestly if I’m watching something and someone gets raped I instantly turn it off. I just fucking can’t anymore. Why would I watch that for entertainment? I’m trying to make enjoyable choices when it comes to entertainment and it doesn’t entertain me to see sexual assault.

While I am careful about putting obligations on the part of a woman to not be assaulted, THIS needed to be said. Women are (WILD GENERALIZATION COMING) often eager to please and slow to disappoint. It did not appear that she could not have left, or that she would be facing some negative consequences of telling Ansari

This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.