Sister Nancy

Sorry, Loose. Different roles.

Maybe they should help her regardless. Are we only going to help people who are suitable victims then?

I had never heard it as slang, and now I hear it on a daily basis from my (3rd grade) students. At first I thought they were using sophisticated vocabulary, now I guess it’s just something they pick up from social media. When we were learning about sharks: savage. Hippos: savage. Computer science and coding:

My wife and I have said they need to move on to the next awful installment-The Divorcee. Or just fuck it go all the way and cast The Widower. Give it a real last chance vibe

Bibiana needs her own show! Love her crazy!

They are missing a HUGE opportunity (IMHO) by not doing a more mature season and casting both an older bachelor and older women. I can understand the crazy level of women in their mid-20s who sign up to be on this shit show (for the Instagram fame and sponcon dollar$$$$ alone) but someone 40 who signs up for this?

heavily implied that he has a checkered history with women

Sienne is waaaaay to good for his bland ass, as is Bekah, and I’m loving Tia, as well. The others are basically interchangeable mermaid hairs.

arie jr. makes my vagina shrink up and die.

I’m so skeeved out by this season because even though they chose an older Bachelor they still kept with the trend of casting women in their early 20's. I get that those women are also a big segment of the audience of the show but it is so weird to hear a 22 year old talk about love and forever romance with a 36 year

They each think they’re the top but they’re both actually humping pillows.

The irony behind the fact that Bannon, the White Nationalist, may end up being the dark horse that brings down Donald Trump in the Russia investigation is a plot twist I did Nazi coming.

His image will be framed in the halls of the White House for the remainder of US history.

We’re definitely defiled for decades with the damage that’s been done so far.

He will be referenced for the rest of everyone’s lives until there is no longer a USA. Even then, the country will be mocked like any other failed country for having a leader so inept.

Obama ordered a burger with Dijon once so they’re both bad if you think about it.

You know what sucks? Besides the obvious. That even if trump gets kicked out of office and publicly ruined, all this shit has been put out there and exposed for the world to see. If the world was a neighborhood, we’re the family whose dad went outside jerked himself off and then took a huge dump on his next door

No, he can’t. His belly is too large.

It’s SO clearly about penile inadequacy that one would almost think even Trump could see it at this point.

This is so fucking sad. I hate 2017 with the heat of a million suns.