Sister Nancy

No. I’m all for hate speech. Thanks for the assumptions tho.

I used to be like aww Pussy Riot is so amazing it must suck so hard to have to fight so much corruption and civil rights abuses just to express dissenting opinions. I miss being smug.

Greetings successful make-upping ladies. I am going back to an office jerb after working from home for years and I need help on the hair n makeup front. I need a few recs:

“I wasn’t old enough to drive a car, so I thought maybe I wasn’t old enough to drive a woman.”

I’m not a Russian troll I promise, but this was photoshopped, I believe. Not that it’s even necessary.

Yeah it’s kinda like if you were a naughty teen, but you didn’t know when your parents were going to get home, so you behave somewhat to avoid getting caught. These teens are choosing to blow up the house to get rid of the uncertainty and force their parents home to comfort their weak little selves at any cost. Thanks

And don’t forget the legislative lag before impacts can be perceived and measured and inaccurately attributed to the democratic majority we’ll be reclaiming. Lol it’s always Jan’s fault!

Oh that’ll be subsidised by sweet sweet oil deregulation money.

Captain of the Lay Stewards

I understand your position. Oliver, a tv show host and Hoffman, an actor, are entirely different categories than White House spokesperson and White House correspondent.

Dead Man

I hear what you’re saying, but it’s futile in many cases because these subjects are either highly media trained or delusional. You’re not going to get a money shot of them spilling the beans because a reporter was just so darn tenacious. You’re going to get sound bites of them lying, juxtaposed against hard evidence

This one prob

I think it was the giant expanse of desk with three papers on it that got me. He was like I’m gonna shuffle these papers because worky work very work hard much busy important.

John Dickerson, he was an ace, trying to flatter him calmly as he had a toddler hissyfit.

Sorry I’m going to wet blanket this but...that would be bad for journalism. Oliver is an entertainer, so he can ask questions about unproven allegations in a way that betrays his belief in their truth. A journalist can frame questions like: “your accusers say” or the “public outcry indicates” or something but they

I’m still haunted by this promo from her early days, teasing, “Whether you arrange your toilet paper over or under could change your life —find out how on the next Oprah.” And I never did see that Oprah. Sometimes I ask myself if it was all a Dream, bc why would Oprah do a show about that. But then I feel the empty

Oh marmie...

Aaaah yes!! How could I miss that gem!

Awwww, I love it so much. Amy’s hilarious word mashups. I’m gonna watch it now...