Sister Nancy

We have games like that at Bed Bath & Beyond. The prize is a fucking candy bar. If I wanted an expired pack of Red Vines, I’d just buy it myself from the vending machine.

I think about the sales “games” they used to have us play at The Gap, it was all fun for me at 16 to get that gift card but I had no idea how shitty that stuff was back then.

The bullshit incentives in favor of giving people actual wages is everywhere in retail. I remember in the early 90s, going to retail pep rallies and being annoyed that after a year and a half, they begrudged us a 25 cent an hour raise. We also found out that the manager got a bonus if she kept salaries under a certain

Make America Smug Again! Wow- the irony :(

Was it cold that day? I remember it raining. Melania has a coat, gloves, etc. while Michelle is in short sleeves. (Also, I love Michelle’s “I give zero fucks” dress.

“Those comments were made without having any knowledge I would ever be here”

So it’s cool to say this about a woman only if you aren’t going to meet her/be her cohost??? okay wtf kind of logic is that.

“shut up butthead”

Like you never have any flights of fancy in which you simply wing it!

SHE’S NOT OKAY. EVERYTHING IS NOT OKAY. What kind of paternalistic, anti-female, pathetic bullshit is this? It makes no sense, for one thing: someone entering Stanford in 2030 will have NO IDEA wtf this is supposed to mean.

May the student population of Stanford vandalize that shit daily with the quotes Doe herself wished to be presented.

One thing I’ve learned in the past week is that one of the more subtle yet insidious abuses of power is their continued insistence that they be the ones to “fix” things. On their terms, always on their terms.

Yeah this couldn’t be more tone deaf. Wtf.

How utterly despicable.

I hope this shit gets smashed over and over and over again. The school’s attempt to sanitize the situation and turn it into some optimistic bullshit is disgusting. Women don’t need to be memorialized, worshipped, turned into super heroes or pillars of strength they need to not be fucking raped, beaten or killed. Fuck

I have looked at report, and unfortunately they do not report confidence intervals around the estimates (which now seems standard in the reporting of survey data). What a survey really tells us is not that

Oh you don’t need to have a feeling. We got hard (dick) data on it:

We shall conquer them.

Why do I get the feeling a lot of these men who claim to be “uncomfortable” about LGBT+ people watch quite a bit of the L variety on their favourite “don’t look at the internet history” sites...

It’s fucking absurd! Every judge makes commentary upon sentencing. It’s often a bit much but they have a lot of discretion in sentencing and they usually explain their choices in sentencing.

I have been in a rage about the attacks on the judge for 24 hours now. A) it’s beside the point, B) you come off as defending the feelings of a serial molester/rapist, C) there’s plenty of judges out there looking out for men, don’t worry, D) his letter and statements about the impact on his mental health proves that