Sister Nancy

Bean toes are always the best companions.

**Googles “oenophile”**

My New Year’s Eve companions:

Other amateur hour nights: St. Patrick’s Day, Madri Gras, and Cinco de Mayo. I’m a hermit by nature, so I look for any reason to not go out, but these nights in particular are automatic hard nos for me. I’m in bed by 10pm every night nowadays (I have to get up at 5am for work) anyway. I won’t be in any sort of mood to

New Year’s Eve has always been a somewhat somber and reflective time for me. I’ve never really celebrated it. I fully expect to be in bed by 9. Plus I seem to have strep after just getting over the flu 2.5 weeks ago, so there’s that. Good times.

Vicks vapor rub and humidifier party at my place.

Sober New Year’s is great! I discovered about five years ago I do not have to spend the first day of the new year puking my guts out and it has been a revelation.

I’m feeling a cold coming on, and I’m so going to hunker down if I get sick. If not, I’m probably going to go to a dance party to see how I fare on my first sober New Years in probably over a decade.

This sounds amazing! Now, who wants to take my husband and four year old for me for the night?

What do you think the reason might be?


I hear “Ridiculous Political Considerations” is what they named that new bulldozer which can level a Palestinian house in five minutes flat.

I still quiver at the thought of powdered eggs or rice with ketchup. Food insecurity suuuuuucks.

That mugshot:

It’s Christmas and I’m feeling magnanimous. So I will ignore the Countess going full Florida Man and choose instead to appreciate a sentiment that’s really pretty nice, sans context:

I wanna get sloppy drunk in Florida, kick a cop, threaten to kill the non+kicked cops, and smile, still in one piece without life threatening injuries from cop bullets, for my mugshot. Damn.

White Privilege

Elegance is learned, my friends.