Sister Nancy

I’m absolutely done dishing out sympathy or interest or even the time of day to Trump sympathizers. The Annoying Orange Hitler and his Horrible Followers pull worse and worse stunts every week, and if they had their way, women wouldn’t even be able to vote, let alone control their own childbearing or protect

As a child of parents with dual diagnosis(mental illness + addiction), I tell you now that you absolutely CAN sever ties with them if you need to. If you feel that you can’t go that far yet, perhaps just “love them from a distance” Surround yourself with people who make you feel like you are loved and wanted just as

My mom and I are spending the weekend together. I’m the only liberal in a family of southern conservatives that think Trump is THE FUCKING BEST. We were driving in the car and my son out of the blue says “Trump is a racist and a sexist. He hates people that aren’t white and he hates women.” (He’s seven and has been

I dyed my eyebrows today, and also switched back to my favorite shampoo in the whole world:

If you feel it’s best for you I’d go ahead and break contact with them. There’s no point putting yourself in a shitty space mentally simply because they’re your parents (even if they don’t act like it).

Beauty thread

OK - I’m really just making this post to vent but I also want to know if anyone else has had similar experiences. Here goes:

jinni saves the day!

In a greater sense you were absolutely correct. December has the prefix for ten since, at one time, it was the tenth month, and October the eighth.

I hope you were able to get a chuckle out of it, no matter how small.

Oh good, finally a place to share:

Wow, that is so fucked up ... I had no idea. Wonder if anyone will mention that in future articles about him?

Sociopath, through and through. Reading that made me ill.

Holy crapballs! That is SO messed up!

What was disturbing about it was that I couldn’t get laid again for another two years.

This is some Onion worthy writing rt here. Well done!

This seems just an opportune occasion to remind everyone that Dustin Hoffman, proudly and on the record, shared the story of how he lost his virginity by raping a woman age 15.

its not a bug, its a feature.