Sister Nancy

One of the firms I do contract work with is at a secretive, family-owned company. When this tax bill passes, and in some form it will, the owners are going to get a huge windfall. Last week they announced the raises to the staff: 0.00%. “Uncertain conditions in 2018.” None of them has, so far, put two and two together

Jesus Christ(literally)

Satan and God are actually pretty tight.

Really, REALLY disturbing, this guy’s whole disgusting life. I just followed that KyCIR rabbit hole too, thanks to savvy WaPo comments:

thanks for posting the longcon link, this has been the talk of my town since it was published (I’m closer to Lex/Frankfort than Louisville) and holy shit, this is all so much.

There’s a lot more going on with his suicide than just him being exposed as a rapist. I say this because there is going to be an avalanche of blame (and harassment and worse) directed at his victim. Before he blessedly relieved the Earth of his presence, a local public radio station was publishing an ongoing

Any word on where Hillary was when this “suicide” occurred?

The road to victory is clear:

Christians who blame Satan for anything are the worst. The devil did NOT make you do it. He didn’t possess your body and pilot you like a meat mecha and make you do bad things. YOU did the bad things. YOU rationalized what you were doing. YOU ARE A BAD PERSON! Satan A. Doesn’t exist and B. If he did exist he’d be

I’m not. One less rapist.

Yeah, I’m like “I mean, I think they’re just covering what you DO, but over 90% is craptastic, so that sounds about right.”

Maybe if more than 90% of what you did wasn’t staggeringly awful, from a political, policy, moral, ethical, or humane perspective, and wasn’t steeped in pettiness, misogyny, homophobia, trans-phobia, Islamophobia, racism, egotistic, unempathetic and just plain pathetic motives, maybe the media wouldn’t be reporting as

We didn’t get the message about tax cuts but my company has grown a ridiculous amount in the US over the past three years yet we keep having cost cutting initiatives and when we had our performance cycle end in June pretty much every department got 2.25-3% blanket raises. My boss was like ‘we’re giving you this raise

My wish is to have Steve Bannon help Ted Cruz next.

Now the democrats only need to pick up 2 senate seats in 2018 to take back the senate. And they can do it; in Nevada and Arizona. Of course they are also defending a lot more seats than republicans and have to win all of them; but given the blue wave that is coming in 2018; I think they have a real shot. In the House

We got an email at work the other day about the tax cuts that didn’t even try to spin it as something that could be good for employees. They board is just foaming at the mouth about how great it’ll be, but that shit isn’t going to trickle down the org chart and they don’t even have to pretend it will. We are flush as

The Code 45* crew is pretty tired today, having been up all night keeping an eye on the Alabama election ballots – just in case Roy Moore’s god actually did show up in the dead of night to fiddle the numbers. But, come the dawn, nothing had changed! Apparently, contrary to Moore’s non-concession speech, we didn’t

All his tweets about Alabama are basically taking shots at the Republicans for not backing Strange. It makes me wonder what exactly their breaking point with him is. He insults them on a regular basis and is now bragging about the Democrats winning.

mainstream whosa whats now?