Sister Nancy

Was thinking the same thing. I mean, I find my own kids pretty cute, but I’m going to print that picture out and hang it on their wall to give them something to strive for (and a complex).

I love The Rock and I needed to hear something positive today. Congrats to them and their cute as hell little girl.

That is one of the most beautiful children I’ve ever seen.

Only took him a month to come all the way around.

Because Ken Starr is a putrid, partisan hack of a human being and deserved every ounce of flack that he got. The Baylor rape scandal and coverup just confirmed it for anyone not wearing Republican glasses.

Yeah, that memory, along with the memory of all of the various investigations into Hillary, is going to eat a hole through my stomach as the calls to fire Mueller because his investigation is too wide-ranging get louder. Special investigations of the Clintons should drag on for years, even if no indictments are made.

*opens list entitled “reasons to hate Donald Trump”*

Two. Woop woop. *sigh*

I noticed that too. As a pretend internet doctor (as in I’ve been on web md before) it didn’t sound like dentures slipping or a dry throat.

I just heard Trump in a speech he gave today. Whatever happened the other day that was chalked up to escaping dentures is escalating. His speech today was much more slurred and it was continually slurred, not sporadically.

“Honor” and, at this point the entire Trump name, will never be written in the same sentence. And I shudder to think, what Trump is going to spew on Twitter about this.

Good! The list of Democratic Senators calling for Trump to resign should be much longer.

No matter whom els this may have happened to, it was apparent that it would never happen to Trump.

My aunt got tear gas in her eyes when she was trying to walk past the protests (in Beirut) to her work. She didn’t know what was happening, but fortunately some of the protesters saw her and helped escort her through. They were mostly young men in their 20s and 30s, mostly Palestinian refugees.

My new boss called my colleague to make her check her voicemail while she was on a trip, because her code to check remotely wasn’t working. And we were both like, “no one leaves voicemails anymore you dolt!” And were proven correct - she had no voicemails.

“They say that Trump is finally revealing the true America that previous presidents had managed to hide.”

Donald wakes up surprisingly early for someone who has no real intentions of being anything but a dick. Him complaining about anyone saying or writing anything inaccurate or misleading is a joke. I wish his supporters who are still chugging MAGA juice would fukin choke on it.

“The United States will not be lectured to by countries that lack any credibility when it comes to treating both Israelis and Palestinians fairly.”

The decision is the “will of the American people.”