Sister Nancy

I gave this advice to a friend once wen she was going through a divorce and she still mentions how helpful it was, so I’ll pass it on to you in hopes it helps:

I, uhm, still have my twin bed from childhood. I got a new mattress when I went to college with it.

I am sad. I just had (another) surgery and I am still off my feet. I have been cooped up and now I’m restless. Being on disability is making me unhappy—I want to have a job and to feel like I’m good at something again. I am also taking medication that makes me lose weight and I am tired of it. I don’t have anything

Jezebellians: What do you do when your heart is deeply and profoundly broken? I thought I had found my person, that we had found each other, but it just didn’t work and now I’m just trying to process all of the conflicting thoughts, emotions and memories and having a bit of a hard time.

Is anyone else sentimentally attached to their bed? I brought my old bed frame from when I was a teen with me into my adult life and I’ve had my mattress for 7 years, but it’s a double bed. After many months of living together with the boyfriend, I couldn’t take the smallness and softness of the bed anymore so...this

So I had a job interview that has just left me feeling like worthless garbage. After having to do hours of overtime (because they wouldn’t let me change the interview date despite being told they could) on top of working nearly two weeks with no days off and some 12 hour shifts mixed in I travelled halfway up the

Wait, WHAT about Sweden????

Moore is a no-win situation for the GOP. He loses, and they lose a vote from their already razor-thin majority. He wins, and he’s a millstone around the neck of every GOP incumbent next year, every one of whom should be made to answer for him.

Betcha Roy Moore will still win though.

I noticed my neighbor took the Trump Pence bumper sticker off his car. The American flag sticker and the Constitution ones are still there though. And whoever put this sign up took it down. So like rats they are leaving his sinking ship.

Recently I started assuming we live in a banana republic. Shit makes a lot more sense from this new perspective.

That quote about the last time America was great was during slavery prompted me to shell out $20 for Jones.

Not to mention that we are still in the Obama economy. As Trump and his erstwhile congress haven’t passed a 2018 budget (Oct 1 2017 - Sept 30 2018), we have been operating under a series of “continuing resolutions” of the final Obama budget since Sept 30.

Right. Manufacturing jobs at 2.6% unemployment is exactly what the right would have screamed was fake. Manufacturing left the states 20 years ago. Most of those who would identify as manufacturing people are either, dead, changed careers, or just gave up. So, of coarse, it’s low.

I know he’s a dick, but little things like this remind me that he’s SUCH A DICK.

““The unemployment rate remains at a 17-year low of 4.1%. The unemployment rate in manufacturing dropped to 2.6%, the lowest ever recorded.”

Pretty soon these guys will be wearing their hoods and robes on the floors of congress.

“Last night, my wife was admitted to the hospital in Washington, D.C., due to an ongoing ailment. After discussing options with my wife, we came to the conclusion that the best thing for our family now would be for me to tender my resignation effective today, December 8th, 2017.”
