When I read the headline, I thought that was gonna happen. I got excited. Now Im sad and eating combos.
When I read the headline, I thought that was gonna happen. I got excited. Now Im sad and eating combos.
I got super excited by the headline thinking it was a record company issue with Chapman having a new record out at the same time or something. Very disappoint.
Can we scrap the new Nicki Minaj album in favor of a new Tracy Chapman album?
My problem with Splinter, is that there isn’t anything Splinter does that Mother Jones, Salon, HuffPo doesn’t already do better. Splinter is just a bunch of idealougues who spew forth their admittedly biased hyperbolic hottakes based on nothing more that anecdotes and worst possible interpretations of information. You…
More of a recording of Shkreli that you recorded off the radio, so there’s a bit of a radio DJ chatter at the beginning and a fade-in to another song at the end.
While you’re at it, F*ck everyone who JUST DIDN’T VOTE in 2016.
I hope Susan Sarandon drives off a cliff for real
Fuck everyone who didn’t vote for Clinton and fuck everyone who called women single issue voters.
Goodbye abortion rights...
That poor woman’s towels.
And also- everyone has been rejected at some point in their life. Coping with rejection is an essential life skill. It makes me crazy to hear the same conservatives who rail about participation trophies and entitlement turn around and act like it’s understandable to murder someone for saying “no” to you!
If I see one more article using the words “romantic” or “spurned” and implicitly laying this girl’s death and others at her feet for making the shooter do this, I will set something on fire. Conservatives are all over this, with their “if she had just been nice to him!” schtick that does nothing but harm women and…
It’s just enough to drive a modern person mad to listen to these incels from the internet area ensconced in their comfortable secure lives complaining about the fact that they’re discriminated against because they don’t have enough sex. It’s like, Jesus get a hobby. For Christ’s sake, you — you — ”
When did “pictures” become “memes”?
No one talks about it but I think the low point for many couples’ relationship is the last 2 weeks before the wedding. No one in my entire circle of friends was happy that last month. We were all miserable, stressed out, overwhelmed, and frustrated. We all went on to have wonderful, supportive, loving marriages…
I was going to marry Guther Gebel Willam’s son and become a lion tamer.
Sounds like CNN has a real mess on its hands.
+1...wait...+5, no +10. +30. Now it’s +325!
As we come together to celebrate the extraordinary contributions of African-Americans to our nation, our thoughts turn to the heroes of the civil rights movement whose courage and sacrifice have inspired us all.