
Actually, I think I was wearing Topsiders (boat shoes) and shorts.

I have been using those all my life until I found this better version.

Best or worst depend on how you look at it. I much prefer a quick death over months on a death bed.

Back in the 90s when I was young and stupid, a few friends and I walked on top of lava rocks all the way out to where the lava met the sea. It was a spectacular sight! However, we spent too long enjoying the view. It was almost dark when we tried to find our way back to solid land, and the landmarks we were so sure we

Since the job application did not have any LGBTQ+ related questions, how did they know they were denied a position because of that? I think most of them were trying to find something to blame when didn’t get the job and discrimination was the most convenient. It also had nothing to do with their qualification for the

Maybe people think they can go get a replacement phone with just the original box claiming that the phone already exploded and discarded.

Add United to your list.

I guess you also love the surprise of finding out where your seat is when you arrive at the checkin counter, Yippy!

Classic first world problem.......

This is actually a unique problem for America. For almost everywhere else in the world, especially Asia, there is nothing wrong with wear a surgical mask in the public. Putting on a surgical mask to protect yourself and/or others is perfectly fine.

I’m not sure why you listed the shortcoming related to using iPhone with Pebble as minuses. I’m sure all the Apple fans love the Apple Watches and wouldn’t even consider the Pebble.

If that’s the case, almost every single portable electronic device have the exact same design flaw.

What is wrong with paying for a service that really helps you? If this app is really making you more organize, $50 a year is not too expensive.

I was so ready to say Apple copied everything from Android again but surprised to find one feature that is not available on Android. “Universal Clipboard”, such a good idea!

How about adding a heart rate reader on the earphone which can send data back to the health app? Wouldn’t that be a good reason to switch to digital connection?

Don’t forget some people are careful and manage to keep their screen unbroken for 2 years, then it’s paying $129 for nothing.

I’ve been trying to get my wife to try out Android phones for years. She is the only reason I cannot switch from AT&T to Google Fi which would save me more than $50 per MONTH! I even tried to convince her to try out my son’s new Nexus 5X for a week and see if she likes it but no go. The Apple lovers seem to be a

They are probably too busy typing all those spaces to bother with commenting.

It’s weird that the research shown spaces won but the comments overwhelmingly support tabs. BTW, I use tabs.

I know self driving cars being the norm is still years in the future. However, I always thought replacing the carpool lane with an auto drive lane is a much better idea and totally doable. So the first rule is your car must be equipped with the auto drive system to use that lane. Once you entered the auto drive lane,