
Just add a HDMI input. Way more useful. Only enabled while stationary of course.

If a member of NRA is considering suicide, he is going to wait until after attending the conference.

Harry Potter Mad Libs

Just wait for the model X-ploding

I am hoping for some kind of Black Friday discount on this and then I’ll pick one up.


I can maybe see how download works but how does this technology work with upstream data?

This is the most pointless article within the hundreds of pointless articles from Gizmodo!

More like a downhill obstacle course than parkour.

You can only start the car with the key fob INSIDE the car.

I want Baldwin!

I’m not sure why you refer to that thing as Trackball, there is nothing “ballsy” about it. I generally refer to it as the Clitoris mouse. For some people that device is very important. It’s the best way to move the cursor without taking your hand off the keyboard, which can speed up the typing significantly.

Wow! Another “Crackopractor”!

I forgot to add *sarcastic* in my previous comment.

I feel the same way every time I see the packaged hard boil eggs in the store.

I much rather waste the first and/or second avocado to learn the art of avocado cutting, not that I need that lesson.

That’s one hell of a heartburn!

There are quite a few traditional Chinese herbal medicines that work well against coughing. Naturally, I don’t know their English names and too lazy to Google them for you. :P

I hope he can still foot the medical bills.

I tried and didn’t like the Clinere cleaners, they were too soft. Part of the reason for using the ear picks was to scratch that unreachable itch! That itch could drive me crazy if I don’t have the proper equipment with me.