
... then none of them. Why would you switch to an iPhone now?

OH My!! Koreans too! My family at least. LOL! The same with the way the egg is cooked. I was like???? Covered in butter or grease, oh my. I literally have had people staring at me at restaurants while I am pressing the egg with napkins and wiping my plate to get the pools of grease off. By then, I still can’t get into

Dude is smart. He wrote a scientific work in some sense with many points explored. Fantastic ideas and suggestions how to improve true diversity... I read it in full. But majority of whiny crowd didn’t get it. That’s what happens to smart people. Good he lives in our time and is not beheaded like other smart

Actually, it’s you that don’t have empathy. One selfish owner’s desire does not override the wellbeing of the dog and everyone else. Just because something makes you happy doesn’t mean it is the right thing to do. Would you be OK with me bringing my emotional support shotgun to the concert? I certainly feel better and

One, even if you are the handler, putting a service animal in harms way is illigal. Two, Ski lifts are one of the places ADA says you cannot take a service animal. And finally Three, Paralympic athletes who have service animals won’t put their dogs at risk. Not for anything or anyone. I’ve known several and they are

We as patients with service dogs know what sets us off. If a concert won’t set me off why should I take my service dog. Just because I can? Or should I look after his well being like he looks after mine. Its the same old rule, just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should.

Unfortunately War Dogs aren’t pets. They are expendable fodder for the machine. I don’t like it. They save thousands of lives and in the end are either abandoned or destroyed to keep them out of the hands of the enemy. Very few get a chance to be adopted by their handler after combat. War is not a safe place for dogs,

Sucks that a fake President can be fired but a real President doing the same thing gets a free pass.

Tried to bring my fiance into the Android fold by getting her a Moto X Pure a couple years back. She was playing with it, tried to launch Motorola’s assistant to see what that did.

My guess is that this version is probably closer to the truth:

That wouldn’t be a problem in my office; men here are a 15-20% minority...

ANd you could say for most men as hard to find :)

I could just imagine telling an end user to use the clitoris mouse...

If you lack the strength and dexterity to cut through an avocado skin, I seriously doubt you’re going to be able to open this packaging.

Well you wouldn’t sink in lava. It’s liquid, but it’s still dense. You would just kinda cook like an egg on the surface for a few seconds.

Yes, I just confirmed it myself. I can also confirm Verizon will be very nice to you until after they get your money, then expect to be treated like shit and even lied to.

I used to think like this. I’ve had a cell phone since 1999, and never have I broken one.

I did my first 2 years at a CC. I got an dual AS in EET and CS for 6k total. I then went on to get a BS in Software Engineering, which cost an additional 30k. I saved about 25k and got the same educational value. Also, I had small classes and more attentive instructors for the “101" stuff you’d have 200 students and a

That’s a totally different effect, based on spin. It’s also common in tennis.