
The only app that I use everyday in this list is “drupe”.

It’s surprising that I did not find any app on this list that I wanted to add to my phone that I didn’t already have.

It was a conspiracy, Hiller did not die in the explosion. He was teleported to the alien planet to train the alien pilots for the assault on earth. At the end of the new movie, we will all find out the masked alien general is actually Col. Hiller himself!

I’ve decided long ago to use a corded keyboard and mouse in the office. The cords are not an issue for the office desk setup and I never need to worry about battery. In fact, I’m using a Logitech gaming mouse and gaming mouse pad since they provide the smoothest mousing experience IMO. The wireless stuffs are for

I also want to know the name of this Pebble app

When my cat was small, one day he stuck his head in a grocery store plastic bag and got scared because he couldn’t see. He ran all over the house banging into all kinds of thing with the plastic bag over his head. Since then, his biggest fear is the plastic bag. Even the crackling sound of crumbling plastic bag will

Guess what, I do learn something new everyday. :)

I hate the Facebook video player, sometime when I switch the full screen, the video would go behind Chrome. It is also harder to save that video for future viewing. I know I can save the entire post to my “save” area but I much prefer the YouTube way. I also cannot get a directly URL link to the video itself.

I hate the stupid muscle suit Supergirl put on and of course the famous “I took off my dorky glasses and nobody recognize me” crap!

“In America, to make things fine and small, you swallow them first, then......”

So if this man fathers twins, then the kid’s twin brother could also be his cousin.

Apple is not getting it “from Google”, they are getting it from the consumer. Google is getting the same amount (or more) selling at Apple’s app store compare to selling it at YouTube.

Apparently Apple’s rule only apply to companies they can strongarm. Google probably said “I don’t give a damn about your policy. If you want to sell our product, go ahead but we are not giving you 30%.”

Alarm is one of the main reason I got a Pebble watch.

A number of years ago I drove 2 hours to a neighboring “small” town to contest a traffic ticket. It doesn’t really matter what that ticket was about. I waited until it was my turn in court, gave my side of the story. Then it was the arresting officer’s turn to speak. It was 100% clear to me he was lying. When I tried

Oh yes, beside getting around town, they can also use their apparatus to wack people behind the head or perform insane tricks on busy sidewalks (when too drunk to drive).

Exactly! It’s not the fault of the equipment, it’s the moronic operator’s fault. I don’t see any different between these “transporter” and a plain old skateboard if the rider is responsible and has a basic level of common sense.

How do you know they don’t taste good? From experience? Texture is even simpler, grind them up and turn them into sausages! That’s what they do with all the animal internal organs and parts you consider gross anyway.

I am in one of the rare group that durian smell AND taste good to me but I hate the texture. So I don’t mind drinking a durian shake but hate eating the actual fruit.

Personally, I have trouble seeing anyone who can use more than 20G of mobile data if they don’t tether their phone to computer. They are only so many YouTube video you can watch!