
Are you white? Sorry, you do not qualify.

My first thought was is it a human head transplant or human body transplant. When the term human leg transplant is used, someone is putting a new leg onto an existing person. So is it a new head onto an existing body or a new body onto an existing head?


I believe if you agree to their privacy policy, you are giving them permission to do everything they stated in the privacy policy.

Try creating a new Windows user account.

How about the clicking on Windows (Start) Icon and nothing happens problem?

How about the camera is always recording unless the office turn it off for bathroom or lunch breaks? The law will require the office to turn the camera back on the second he is back on the clock. It’s kind of like the car cameras that are so popular these days, what’s the point of a camera if it’s not already on to

We all knew but also hoping we were wrong.

I think Facebook will kill Facebook eventually. How many < 20 years old do you know that use Facebook all the time?

Are you saying the people who fly drones and interfere with rescue attempts are not morons?

People who uses Chrome on their computer will probably stay with Google Now. Otherwise, Cortana is not a bad idea with the tight Win 10 integration.

I also went shopping on Amazon yesterday. The funny thing was not one item in my order came from the Prime Day section.

I would like the know the science of the communication between the probes and earth. What kind of technology is being used? How long does it take for the message to reach earth?

However, only someone who hasn’t written a single line of code is capable of making those comments.

Flash drives, 1979??????

My Moto X already has most of these features built in.

“Optional” is the keyword here.

I thought we are talking about urine, not unions. Are they related?

I’ve been using the K400 for over a year now. I can’t say it’s the best keyboard but it definitely not the worse either. It serve it’s purpose.
