
I’ve been trying to teach my wife how to use the internet to watch shows she like. So far anything harder than turning on the TV and punch in the channel number is still too much hassle for her.

I always worry about my glasses in case of an accident and the airbag deploy. Will the airbag break my glasses and blind me?

For me, the biggest problem with Amtrak is the schedule. I live in California Central Coast. If I need to go to SF or LA, I can drive there in about 4 hours. If I leave home very early in the morning, I can still arrive in the AM. If I want to ride the train, I’ll have leave a day early because the only train

I decided to wait until the Pebble Time arrive in stores before upgrading my regular Pebble. I was excited when I found out the Pebble Time has a mic but it’s pointless if I can’t use Google Now with it.

If I bring my 5 gallons reusable water jug to the “water” store to buy filtered water, is that good or bad?

The features of Nabu X are almost exactly the same as the Mi Band which cost less than half.

I don’t understand why all the bad reviews . It’s one of the best comedy I’ve watched in years! I couldn’t stop laughing watching every episode!

I said the exact same thing every time I turned on the windshield wiper when I wanted to turn right while I was driving in Japan.

My password scheme is to take a common Chinese phase and spell it out phonetically, then sprinkle some number, punctuation and/or English word at the end. Take that, computer!


The thing I hate to see on TV or movies is some computer wiz sit down in front of a computer and 2 minutes later announce he's in the CIA/NSA/FBI or "whatever-acronym-you-can-think-of" network. I'm not saying these networks are impenetrable, but hacking into them take days if not weeks or months of work and usually

I only caught on when the lady with the pig appeared.

But.... I still want to play Candy Crush......

Blue and Gold

Next project, integrate an e-book reader with the jump rope since it's SO boring jumping around with nothing else to do......

Way too much.....

Damn! I was 8 minutes in and they pulled the video! Luckily Youtube still has it.

Compare this to Beijing after only 6 years and you will see how terrific the Russian Olympic venues are.

I just purchased the Moto X 2nd gen for $360 with the $140 off coupon from Motorola. For this price, the Moto X is a better deal then Nexus 5 IMO.

2 words - Gaylord Opryland!