
If I have to always use an external keyboard, I would buy a much nicer gaming desktop instead. Sometime I do need to type a long document on the go and I would hate to use that keyboard.

OMG! That is one of the worse keyboard layout I've ever seen and I thought my Lenovo Y500 keyboard was bad!

The thing I hate most is put my hand in my pocket and find a warm or hot phone. It usually meant I just lost 10% power in the last hour.

Gone already!

My question is how many lucky people out there actually have more than one choice for their cable provider?

I worked with plenty of Barbie type in the field of software development. They have fancy titles like "Product Manager" or "Visual Designer" and like to draw nice looking picture with impossible goal.

Why the hell would that guy brake sharply while turning, he would have completed the turn safely if he hadn't!

This is pretty much the first time I totally agree with a suit that was brought on in this manner.

Business Opportunity: Buy 10 of these, rent an old warehouse, charge $20/30min ride, get initial investment back in 2 weeks and pure profit after that.

I am considering buying one after reading this article.

Who knows? Microsoft may add Google Now compatibility on future upgrades. It makes sense for them to push more Windows Phone at least initially.

Yes, throttling is bad but the way AT&T is doing it makes it worse. I hope the FTC can at least force the mobile company to leave our phone usable during throttling. I can live with 20+ Mps throttled down to 1-2 Mps but not .1-.2Mps!

The whole idea of Near Field Communication (NFC) is the device must be very close to the terminal to work, < 0.2 m. If it could work from 9 inches away, I would be worry.

I don't get this! How did Apple Pay knows what POS you were standing in front of, I assume Panera had more than one checkout line?

You didn't need to wave your phone on top of the reader?

You only have 10 of those, assuming you are a normal human being.

I always wonder if it's possible to have a fingerprint scanner on the phone screen. We've all seen that on countless SciFi movies.


My question is since Stephen Hawking knew nobody showed up for this time traveller party, would it have made a difference if he announce it or not?

I generally try to stay away from anything "diet" and make myself feel bad when consuming non-diet fattening food and drink. This result in less sweet food in general. The whole "diet" idea came from the food industry to get people to consume more without guilt.