
I believe you omitted one line on top of the chart. Your chart will have to much taller if you include the famous 1-percent line.

You suppose to use what's inside the boxes from Ikea, not the boxes.

Go ahead and buy garbage from other crap stores then. You'll probably feel better.

You are right. I guess having dumb people who looks like you stealing your job is especially hurtful.

In America if these things happened, at least you can try to file complaint or bring legal action against whoever responsible. It may not work but at least there are things you can do. If Hong Kong is being run the China way, you can end up in jail just because you said the wrong (right) thing.

It's much more than just democracy and freedom of speech that they are fighting here. It's the fact that less qualified people will get hire because of connections, government officials who are above the law, and corporations with government backing having unfair advantage. Millions of tourists drowning Hong Kong

One thing I would like to know, can you dock a window onto the right side of the left monitor in a 2 monitors system?

Due to the recent credit card info leaks from stores, I have been trying to use Paypal where ever I could. Unlike credit card, at least my password is need before making purchases with Paypal.

It'll be cool if the guy can control the alien's head to turn with his mouth. He can stand still and move the alien's head or he can make the alien look before he turn that way.

I know why the plane went down, that guy had his cell phone on while landing!

I just added this to my bucket list. However, I'm pretty sure I will not be able to eat noodles this good before I die.

I'm not clicking play........

I have a LG TV but I've never used any of the additional features of the TV. I got my DirecTV box and my laptop hooked up to it and they provided all the features I need.

ATM location does not need cell signal, the text should be generated from the main server at a central location.

Just because some people does not like or refuse to use a simple but secure feature should not stop the bank from offering it as an option. The implementation is easy and should not cost the bank that much resources and money.

Why US banks don't use 2 steps verification? Send a text to my phone with an additional PIN that I need to enter after I entered my PIN at the ATM. I know some other countries have started doing that. It can be an optional feature since not everybody has cell phones (yeah, right)!

I can see both actresses in the face but who's boobs are those?

If there is a universally recognized "earthquake warning" sound coming from your phone, 10 seconds is enough to move to a "safer" place.

Now-a-day, every other car has some kind of holder with a smartphone in it. A buildin tablet holder has to be more secure. Since it's going to use a custom interface, the software can lock the UI into some kind of car mode. Of course users will be able to override that with root access, but that does not apply to

Did he leave her $ for the tooth?