
The lowest speed limits that I have ever seen are in the state of Hawaii. Most freeway's speed limit there are 50 mph with some section drop down to 45 mph. The only exception is H3, the freeway that connect the northern and southern part of Oahu, which has a speed limit of 60 mph. You can expect a 10 miles

For all those text message problems, Apple is the one who screwed up with the iMessage crap.

My mind kept saying this is stupid but I couldn't stop watching it.

I assume every freeway eventually lead to cities. So why not lay cables under the solar panels and send the power to the cities?

While I agree solar roadway may not be a good idea, but I think putting solar panels on the medians and center dividers of the thousands of miles of freeways in USA would work.

Super glitchy and geeky

Have anyone died trying one of these stunts?

Why don't we just combine the 2. Eliminate all privately owned vehicle, improve mass transit and have thousands of self-driving cars on call. This way the self-driving cars will take care of the initial and final hop of your commute while optimizing the use of mass transit. Computers can calculate the load of each

I have never heard anyone who sounded more stupid than this guy in the video!

Undead body

New item on my bucket list...... Must see GOTG!

For a second I thought there was a holographicic image of a girl sitting across the real stuff animal.

I bet the second most-spoken language other than English and Spanish in most states is Chinese.


Just buy the carrier version, root it and install the pure Kitkat rom on it. Why pay so much more?

Does regular car insurance cover this? I know standard home insurance does not cover natural disaster.

True story.....

I think it was in Agent of SHIELD, an Asgardian said something about spending 200 years in a prison on her home planet. Was that 200 Earth years or Asgard years? Since the definition of "year" on Earth was based on the orbit of Earth. Since the lifespan of the Asgardian is much longer than human, it stands to

If General Mill can prove that I read this article, I will not be able to sue them. TYVM!