
This would be perfect for international travel. In Hong Kong and many Asia countries, taxi rides are a fact of life and it is just impossible to lug a hard car seat with you all the time.

Smashing is hitting from the top to the ground which is faster than hitting the shuttlecock horizontally.



"And I announced Nicholas, Karen tell me in the in the ass problem fitness. I got my home with. So, all back there. If you can bye."

Ask this same question in 20 years and answer would overwhelmingly be "iPhone"!!!!

How far do you need to travel to get to the nearest "real" city from Ordos? Other than the maintenance crews, where do the occupants of Ordos work?

It's probably related to the high humidity in Hong Kong.

Guess what the little girl gonna say when she sees mommy?

What I cannot believe is how insecured the ATM machines are! 4 digits numeric PIN! It is so easy for criminals to learn your PIN by watching you at the ATM and then pick your pocket to get your card. By the time you find out your wallet is stolen, they can clean out your bank account (up to the daily limit). Some

This sword only make sense if it's made of some sort of energy beam so it's weightless, otherwise it's totally unusable.

There are ads in games? Never seen them!

That was the question I had when I watched Speed, L.A. has subway???????

"Be sure to wear proper ear protection when going to concerts", why would I go to a concert that way??????

Once the belly of the plane was dragging on the runway, it was pretty clear he couldn't save it. He waited another 11 seconds before ejecting, that's pretty long in my book since the plane could have exploded first.

Why did the pilot waited that long before ejecting?

Most of the Android devices in China are cheaply made with the exception of a few companies like Xiaomi. Putting Motorola under one of the largest tech name brand in China is definitely a smart move for Google.

What better way to put Android into China market than let them pay millions for it? Smart move!

They did a bad job on those tennis balls, so obviously fake.

Base on this review, I would definitely buy one for $50.