sailor venus

Not a mechanic, but a service advisor at a Ford dealer. I had a woman come in a few months ago complaining that when she opens her door when it’s raining or snowing, rain and snow get in her car. She argued with me and the service manager for 40 minutes insisting that her 1999 Escort did not do that. Finally my

Is this a movie about Demi Lovato minus the vag tat? I don’t see how this is Jem and the Holograms at all.

OMG I work for a Ford dealer who can’t facebook for beans. They try to do the relevance polls but the only followers are frikkin employees. I wish I could get this through to them that we would benefit from this. We are in an old shopping mall for crying out loud! We are the largest dealer in our region and even have

I took my sister there last week and I felt like it was a Delia*s.

I think most brands are switching to keyless ignitions. I think the only brand I drove back in November when I was car shopping that had keyed ignitions was Honda, and Ford still offers it as a base option.

I work for Ford and you wouldn’t believe the amount of crap people put on their keys and come in with ignition switch issues or broken keys. That doesn’t prove that GM wasn’t at fault, but some people don’t understand what all their Panama City tchotchkes are doing to their car.

Eh go fuck yourself. I have arthritis, but not legally disabled and cannot contort myself to do my own toes. I can do my own manicure, but I like having someone else do them. It’s relaxing and I love to gossip with the nail tech I always see. Nail salons aren’t the only businesses open on Mothers Day.

About the picture, for the love of god, using your phone while trying to get your nails done is so irritatingly rude. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve been in a salon and the person next to me is texting constantly and telling the nail technician to wait while they check their phone.

On the designer bag point, the lower end mall brand houses will do this such as Michael Kors, Coach and Dooney & Bourke. I worked for Coach when in college. I remember them breaking down the cost on the bags. A fabric Signature Carly bag cost $8 to make, but they sold for $398.

My ex husband and I tossed around Scandinavian names since our last name was Scandinavian. We never could decide on a name we liked paired with the last name, so we decided on the biblical name Mark.

My son is 10 and there are four Mason’s on his baseball team.

My name was the 59th most popular name in 1983. I never once went to school with another Allison. I’m not even friends on facebook with another Allison. I used to hate my name as a kid because I wanted to be a Jessica/Lauren/Jennifer/Amanda. I love it as an adult. Paired with my extremely rare married name, I am the

No color! I am so sick of the seas of silver, white, gray, beige and black. Last fall when looking for a new car, red was always the only color option. Fuck you boring beige people. I want color. That’s why I bought an orange Mini. Also, it was the only brand I looked at that had a manual trans available to test drive.

I would also try to murder someone if they removed me from delicious cake.

FB mobile gets me every time. I see a controversial status update from someone and I want to read the juicy comments and I accidentally hit like. FUCK!

Apparently 2 people is enough to get a snake off a cake. My BIL just kept twirling her around him and she eventually let go. She then proceeded to try to squeeze him to death.

My boyfriend is a long time high school friend of the groom. I was just the girlfriend of the friend who happened to have been around since before they started dating. She didn't have many friends (still doesn't) and so she could even out the bridal party to the amount of friends he had, I was asked. I was second to

Oh man, how did I miss this? I have an excellent temporary cake topper story!

Of course in the salon, I kept calling it Ver-sace like in Showgirls. So much eye rolling from the bride.

Also the people who are in your very expensive designer wedding should be exempt.