sailor venus

This is exactly how I developed an eating disorder when I was a teen. I was the chunky girl in my middle school class and was criticized for it when I turned in my food log for my 8th grade health class. I wore a juniors size 13 then. Being an impressionable and self conscious teen, I stopped eating all together. By

Why does it look as if she has a Playboy Bunny costume bunny tail on the back?

Ugh! I loathe strapless wedding dresses. Every frikkin wedding I go to, the bride has one on. Why the fuck does every gown have to be fucking strapless? A unique dress would be bringing back Princess Di's puffy sleeves.

In the state of fried chicken, Kentucky, nothing still beats Popeye's imho. PS rip KFCeleven. Twas an excellent concept with poor execution.

I'm a mother who doesn't like kids. I admit that I was never meant to be a parent, but I have embraced it for the last 10 years and love my son to death, but dislike every one else's kids. I am not a childcare worker for that very reason, nor a teacher. I don't agree with the name calling, but the mommy group was

In 2002, I wanted to buy a new BMW 330ci. No one wanted to help me, so I approached a sales person and they told me I could drive it if I came back with my parents. I drove across the street to VW and bought a brand new 03 Jetta GLI for the same price as the 330ci.

They can also be located in other states as well such as Kentucky and Ohio.

'The new guidelines for store employees call for them to look “neat, clean, natural and well-groomed.” Excessive jewelry, obscene or large tattoos and bright-colored makeup are now also taboo, as are piercings “in locations other than earlobes.”