
All she did - literally all she did - was sign a licensing royalty contract with Colourpop for a tube of lip gloss, after getting surgery to enhance her lips, and imply the kits were responsible. That’s it!She signed her name to the makeup they already produced. That’s the extent of her involvement.

Team Kristen is a thing?? Whoa. Mind blown.

IDK if I should feel sad about her and Drake not being friends anymore or not. But I forgot that dude was really laying it on thick at the VMAs...

“No one knows,” he tells her in a conspiratorial whisper.

I’m glad Jack Antonoff is speaking out, and I really wish artists would stop working with R Kelly. It’s been known for years that he is an unabashed child rapist, yet big names keep on collaborating with him. I don’t mean to single her out totally as she’s one amongst many, but I was especially disappointed when Lady

Would love to see an article on comments of the year.

I’m convinced that RHONY maintains its standards because almost none of the women are married or in relationships they take too seriously. They’re all widows and divorcees with mostly grown children, so they’re not beholden to their family’s reputations like other casts. They just give fewer fucks about looking like

Peter drew the dicks, we all know how much he likes dicks.

“Oh you think fat meat ain’t greasy?” is the most fun threat of them all.

“Avoid the pole altogether” is always a bullshit sentiment, but Cardi B has given interviews about how stripping saved her life. It was the only financial path she had out of an abusive relationship. Your sanctimonious quips are cruel and ignorant.

I kind of wish this was longer? With more makeup?

Did you see Jeana Keough’s face?

The one lynx didn’t accept the other lynx’s invitation on Lynxed-in. Lynx are big networkers.

I thought it might have been the same actor just smiling like a human being...

The Beehive would destroy her. White girl playing the victim against a huge chunk of Black Twitter?

Wiz and Amber were married right?

She appropriated fire hooping! Oh wait. You can’t appropriate that. It belongs to everyone.

Danielle should also appear on RHOC. That shit is boring!