Kyle Richards from RHOBH should have taken this cue.......
I was hoping they would veer away from the “Let’s All Shit On Sonja” plot line, but from the looks of it, that’s not gonna happen. She says crazy shit and should be called out for it, but she’s too much of an easy target for them and that gets boring. It’s much more fun when the Big Dogs are going at it. (The…
I don’t know if anyone here has noticed or cared, but I find it SUPER ironic that GaGa is wearing that Time’s Up pin, when she did a song with R. FUCKING KELLY.
Sexy Unique Restaurant Restaurant and Lounge
I don’t think she wanted to BE a Kardashian, more like she wanted permanent revenge on Kylie and Co.
It’s truly all I could look at every time she was on-screen. And I felt like they were helping her out by continuously cutting away from her face after about 4 seconds. She looks wretched.
I love you. I thought I was the only person who got chills of pure reality tv gold when she said that.
Shout out to Game of Thrones for that sweet line by Davos that basically means fuck ya’ll we read the comments.
Drogon is gonna die because Qyburn is a gleefully psychotic necromancer and probably poisoned the arrows for the stupid giant cross bow. :(
I tried the plain chocolate flavor and it’s....interesting. I don’t totally hate it, and the texture isn’t that bad. But there is something about it that’s super fucking odd. I’m not a very patient person when it comes to sweet cravings (I don’t get them very often but when I do...), and leaving it to “melt” on the…
Just the way she planned it....
TBH Tamra’s is gold. I also don’t mind this Peggy persons.....actually...I love it.
I feel like the Kardashian/Jenner bubble is finally bursting and I’m so excited. They’ve been getting dragged for EVERYTHING lately (deservedly so...).
BRB, drooling over Dustin (from the Friendzone Podcast)!!!!!
No Rih Rih? I’M OUT.
The joke would have had near flawless execution, and IMO would have been delicious shade (take me to Court), if not for the Tiffany line. What a waste.
That caption is so petty.
She’s switched her makeup look as well. She’s got the “I have insomnia” dark circles going constantly. I don’t know why bothers me so much...