Sailor Jupiter

I meant to mention in the other comment: Rebecca, Mark, and Isha all IMMEDIATELY got an e-mail when I read that, because holy shit.

For real, the ice pack story is my single favorite story submission ever — even more than White Tiger or any of the revenge stories.


The fact that she's cool enough to ask about vegan options in advance AND assume the account was hacked first makes it worse. She's so nice!

I think I knew I was queer when I made all my female sims roommates fall in love with each other. It happened almost every time I made new sims. I just sat in front of the screen like, 'Huh. Alrighty then.'

How sensible and polite of you and the coffee shop.

I'm an acupuncturist, and before I leave the room I always ask if they're too hot, too cold, or uncomfortable in any way, and tell them the door is ajar in case they need to call out to me. Then I check on them halfway through the treatment.

This might be the funniest comment on this entire thing.

But that's SUCH a boring Yelp review..."I went to this coffee shop, and they didn't have the creamer I wanted as I'm vegan. So I wrote them an email, they wrote a very nice one back saying they would have it soon. They're so nice and their customer service was great!"


Lemme just get this straight: you think a 5-year Inigo Montoya-style quest for Yelp vengeance is justified or in any way NOT clinically fucking insane?

Actual verbatim gchat conversation that happened at 3:30 AM EST:

It's almost as though people don't mind accommodating a person who is not behaving like an ass.

The nitpicking is insane. Particularly when it's simple things that are easily correctable. "My salad was a bit limp." Okay, so when your server asked if the food was to your liking, you said... Oh that's right. You said nothing. Because you're a coward and a dick.

Not enough comments about marshmallows. One star.

Also it would be a good lesson to the children to return something to it's rightful owner if it was wrongfully taken from him/her/them

The little dog (Sadie) had the hiccups the other day. Her big sister, Good Charlotte felt compelled to stop them so she did what all 90 pound behemoths do- she sat on her.

Amazing. That is what they taste like.