Sailor Jupiter

About 15 years ago a man broke into my childhood home and attacked my mother. As soon as he grabbed her, my super sweet lab mix (who normally never even barked, let alone growled) went crazy on this guy and sunk her teeth through his leg. My mom called the police and he limped off - taking my dog with him. When the

Even though the story I shared in the comments was from my time in retail, fear not, I was also often very sick while serving people food. I once had a manager come into the bathroom and interrupt me while I was throwing up to tell me that I had to get back to concession.

No problem. The video is amazing. Jessica Williams gives me life. I love her.

Bill Maher is an asshole. I remember last year when he told us Bostonians to stop being such whiners about our city being bombed. I mean only 4 people lost their lives, including an 8 year old, and only like a couple dozen people were permanently disabled. NBD.

That must be really stressful. My sister had a tumor on her rib cage a couple years ago that had to be removed via surgery. If you are laid up for an extended period of time and unable you can always look into disability (although the process is slow). Best of luck.

Thanks for the support. Chemo is the worst. I have been on oral chemo (Aza) for almost 2 years. It is a pain. I was also lucky to have a work from home job for a little bit but I actually just got laid off. Now I am restarting infusions and job hunting at the same time. Fun times.

These are two different jobs but I am assuming that you are referring to the latter. If so, pretty much. A coworker of mine went on maternity leave and when she came back for her first day someone else was in her office and our boss told her she was no longer needed (this was an agency of almost entirely women too).

The kicker is the woman who dismissed me had just gotten back from taking a month off to go on a public speaking gig in another country - with almost no notice.

This is why people with chronic illness find it nearly impossible to hold down jobs. I once had a very similar situation when working in retail (I was in the middle of a flare and ended up fainting in the women's room and being taken to the ER) and while my boss didn't fire me, he did tell me if I called out again I

Also this is horrendously hetero normative even though LGB+ folks suffer DV at roughly the same rate as straight people.

That only happened once, and we were a group of college kids. I expect they had been ripped off one time too many. I love Boston, and I honestly wouldn't live anywhere else, it was just a crazy thing that happened.

They are out of business now. It was a Thai place on Huntington near Mass Ave. I don't remember the name, Freshman year was a long time ago for me.

Two people living in a city of over 600,000 having different live experiences? Sounds plausible.

In Boston they are fucking vigilant about not sharing, since we are basically 50% college students during the academic year. Most of the cheaper restaurants either have it printed on their menus, or have signs on the door when you walk in. My freshman year I actually went to a restaurant with friends where it turned

True. They should do a cow song next.

This one is my favorite.

These goats' screams take on a whole new meaning when you remember that they fed goats to the carnivorous dinosaurs in Jurassic Park.

It could have used more of me, but otherwise it is pretty good ;)