Sailor Jupiter

My dogs both got hiccoughs like this when they were puppies too. They seem to have grown out of it though.

Like the physical embodiment of this gif, which will not load, because Kinja can fuck itself. Or maybe it's working now, I don't know. Goddamit Kinja.


If you never get married, you are missing out. But then, people who get married are also missing out on being alone. Everyone is always "missing out". No one experiences everything. Lives are variable. THANK GOD.

Jumping spiders (like the one pictured) are so cute. We call them "jumpies" here at the house. They love to hang out by the door and sometimes they get inside. Then, I have to go get a glass and put them outside again.

And I have been to church many times, but I'm still not Jesus, yet.

Seriously. Did everyone in 1970 just, as a society go, "You know what the cause of all that civil unrest and generational divide must have been? A severe shortage of ugly knit sweaters and ridiculous belts."

My friend got these really fancy port-o-potties for her outdoor wedding. They were as luxurious as Port-o-Potties can get. Had granite countertops, true story.

Mark Shrayber Occasionally Utilized Hyperbole in his Headlines - But What Happened Next Will Blow Your Mind....


The six-word horror story.

Let me do a pre-post of the common comments so we can avoid clutter.

Oh man, I'm getting out of here. I can't deal with the inevitable comments here today.


My god. Thank you for sharing your story. And thank you for being honest about the pressure to have a so-called thick skin when it comes to degrading, sexist, and sometimes violent behavior. We've been taught for so long to just take it. All of it.

By the way, the above image is actually one of the LEAST creepy/horrifying things that happens when you type "sexual harassment" into the Shutterstock search bar. BRB scrubbing my brain with turpentine.

Its a doctoral gown. The green trim indicates my doctorate is in medicine.

Ugh what a touchy situation. Here's my lesbian chef two cents. I think this is one of those situations where that disclosure of perspective is relevant.

the selfie (ETA: link, if kinja eats the image):