Sailor Jupiter

Lets hear it for the ladies who can't buy button up shirts!

Not as good as the time Manny got in trouble for wearing low rise jeans with her thong showing and showed up to school not wearing underwear at all the next day. hashtag old school Degrassi for life. hashtag humongous loser.

Does anyone remember the book written by Jeffrey Dahmer's dad? That was heartbreaking. I don't think it's the exact same thing but it's the witnessing of the horror of someone you love doing something you despise.


I will bet right now that the winner will be a design by Pnina Tornai.

I am starring every comment on here that talks about how shitty and cliched this looks meanwhile I know FOR A FACT I will see this and cry like an asshole. I am at war with myself.


We have a phrase for that: it's called "grow up."

Is that the 2014 version of a monocle popping out?

My thoughts exactly. Even though that drink sounds delicious.

Ohh. I think sea lions may have solved the men taking up too much space on the subway problem.

I worked at a movie theater as a young'un and being Jewish with no family I got to work on Christmas (yay). We weren't allowed to take tips. One lady bought her popcorn and gave me $5 for "working on Jesus's birthday." I looked her right in the eye while I shoved the bill in my bra and said "Lady, he ain't my god."

They are the unsung heroes of the service industry. I try to be that customer when I am on the other side of the counter because I know how much that can mean to an employee who is just trying to make it through the day with a minimum amount of bullshit and grief.

I am always super grateful to customers who save me from crazy/mean/bewildering people.

"It's been a rough couple of years for my family. There have been land disputes, a few nasty feuds, several imprisonments and a beheading. But perhaps our most celebrated misfortune was what has come to be known as The Brown Wedding.

Because high metabolism, an evolutionary quirk that would render you completely unfit to survive 99.9% of human history, is an obvious ground for celebration.

My mom used to tell me that if I was a boy, she would have named me "Michael Jackson." But I also think my mom likes to fuck with me sometimes, so I don't know.