Sailor Jupiter

You want to know where it is at? Being someone who walks with a cane and having the disabled loos perpetually locked in clubs and music venues because of this shit or waiting a half hour to pee because some douchebag and her 5 friends wanted to use it as a dressing room/ make-up studio. When I were a lass we used to

Agreed. Not to mention, he does realize that as with most other things considered "women's work", at the professional level, most of the tailors are men?

""It's feminine in the sense… It's amazing how you took that as an insult," he said."

I did not just have a baby which can only mean that I'm not Idris Elba's girlfriend.

The first time I saw LA Jesus I almost crashed my car. If Jared Leto had been there that story would have one less word.

pretty sure 50 shades was just sloppy fanfic too.

I like that this a "non-cultural" movie and it stars a black girl. Meaning: usually, when a PoC stars in main cartoon roles, it's to tell a story related to their culture. Mulan, Princess and the Frog, Aladdin, Prince of Egypt, what have you, were all taking place in each of those respective cultural settings and so

As an almost-lawyer, this is in no way legally enforceable. If nothing else, there are consumer protection laws/strict liability standards regarding certain chemicals (in extreme cases)/reasonable person standards that would make this patently absurd.

History is my goldfish's name.

That's for history to decide.

So where is the mainstream beauty industry on not wearing pants and sitting on the couch all day? I'm still the trendsetter here, yes?

Have you tried throwing rocks at it while screaming? That worked on a particularity large raccoon that was eating out of my garbage a couple weeks ago.

Babies are so hot right now.

Somebody make the word "normcore" go away.

That was Jean Kilbourne! You NEED to watch her docu-series 'Killing us Softly' - she's my idol! I love her so much!

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah about that...

SUZANNE, you are the best thing to ever grace Netflix.

At least he didn't use comic sans!

What consenting adults and jelly beans do in the privacy of their own homes is nobody's business.