Sailor Jupiter

This is probably the best way to understand cultural appropriation:

Ding ding ding!

My partner is a furnace. We actually have to sleep under seperate blankets or else risk heat stroke.

You duck shoes LIKE A GIRL!!!

You're welcome for the news, America.

Well, I think the Truthers planned the shoe-throwing incident so that they could then accuse Hillary of planning the shoe-throwing incident and thus create a shoe-throwing wormhole that destroys us all. That's what I think, Truthers. Prove me wrong.

For all of your attempts to sandwich this between two compliments "you are smarter than this" and "not on the site of one of Jezebel's best writers," your comments show you do not know me at all.

The racism is super cute too.

If the filmmakers did their job correctly, no. A clear and empathetic no.

There's a pivotal scene in a car that deconstructs that. Er, can't say more than that.

A little but not really. The entire point of the book is trying to undermine the idea of cancer patients as symbols of Innocence or True Love or whatever. There's discussion in the book about how stupid that is, and the characters are treated as humans, not symbols. The author used to work as a chaplain in a

He was arrogant, had a superiority complex, and sped along his own demise by thinking his desires outranked his safety. That being said, he thought he was the perfect person for Hazel because he understood her frustration with the Cancer Kid myth, and sacrificed his health for her happiness, but he was really perfect

That last one wasn't revenge — it was straight-up justice. Kudos for getting a drunk driver off of the road.

Ahh, Ecco Domani - for that special undiscerning, condescending asshole in everyone's life.

If the service sucks, why in the Holy Hell would I still tip 15% to my waiter?!?!