I haven't yet. I am planning on binge watching it when I finish this semester.
Jeez. Way to take it to a dark place scrabble guy.
That sucks. I don't use my mic anymore because of that. My username is very gender neutral but my picture is the same as my Jez avatar so sometimes people figure it out. I have been debating changing it.
When I was playing TF2 once I was was told that I "needed to get fucked" by someone whose username was "Master Rapist". That was nice.
Beautiful gif usage.
I have seen this entire season. I don't want to be spoilery, but I think I know what you are referring to and it does nothing to negate the way Irene's character was handled.
I love Shasheer so much :)!
So Kinja has decided I can only reply to myself. Hopefully people will see this.
After I saw what they did to Irene Adler in the second half of ASIB, I gave up hope that female characters would be adapted respectfully.
What it must be like to be in the mind of a marketing executive....
You know what, thanks for the effort marketing people but I am fine letting the patriarchy have this one. I am not into inhaling burning tobacco smoke that won't even get you high.
I thought this commercial was really cute. If I didn't already use my Swiffer all the time (it is a life saver with three dogs) it would get me to try using one. Kudos!
Awesome. So not only do we get to see people singing and dancing poorly but we get to watch some of them do it in racially offensive American Indian costumes! Oh Joy!
She was underused in this episode. She didn't speak much and was pretty much a supporting "character' in every scene (if you don't speak, are you still a character in that scene?). That being said, I thought she did really great and I am really happy for her. I loved her in UCB and I can't wait to see what she does…
Autostraddle sent me here in the first place. They are mostly focused on queer/trans woman's issues but they have loads of stuff. I recommend their TV recaps, they are hilarious.
Is anyone else watching SNL tonight to see Sasheer Zamata's first show? I love her in Pursuit of Sexiness and even though I haven't watched SNL in eons I want to see her first performance.