Oh did that woman just totally call the religious right out on their bullshit?
Oh did that woman just totally call the religious right out on their bullshit?
I want to like this but it is at 700 recommends even and I can't bring myself to upset that. So here is a gif for you
No Blackfish!? No Fruitvale Station!? I reject this list and everything it stands for.
The Wire. His character on the Wire is pretty flawed but the show is amazing and he is amazing in it.
I am actually not a huge fan of the writing on Luther. Idris will always be Stringer Bell to me.
Excellent Idris Elba gif usage.
That gif is the stuff of nightmares.
I am glad to see people talking about this. It is amazing how many men I talk to, many of whom call themselves feminists, were completely unaware of this issue. These are educated men, some with masters degrees. I would talk to them about my career path and when I would bring up my desire for children they would be…
Yeah it is pretty fucked up.
You should see the kind of hate trans-racial adopted kids get. If you don't hate your parents and want desperately to reconnect with you birth parents, they will tear you up.
Oh you wonderful unsullied flower. You are one of the lucky ones.
I think tumblr is already doing a fine job by itself getting feminists to tear each other to shreds.
Correlation does not imply causation.
Happy dance time!
Ugh.... I didn't see Dallas Buyers Club so I was unaware of that. That is disappointing. Not to mention out of the HFA who got to vote for these awards, how many do you think were trans*? So to give him an award for portraying a trans*woman they asked a bunch of cis people to see if he did it to their expectations.…
I hope that doesn't happen to Lupita because she is hugely talented. I am having hope the odds may not be quite so stacked against her. I know she isn't the typical look but she is a bit more conventionally attractive than a lot of my other past favorites who got pushed to the margins (like Gabourey who is criminally…
He didn't really say "shit happens" that was just how I described his attitude towards the whole thing. Sorry I should has been more clear that I was paraphrasing.
I am not a Woody Allen fan both because I find his movies boring/irritating/misogynistic and also because he gives me the creeps. IDK if he did actually assault anyone, but he certainly loves to talk about how he doesn't think it would be a big deal. Anyone else remember the Roman Polanski nonsense when he was like:…
I am also enraged. U2 bores me to tears. At least they got Best Animated Film.
It does seem like the same small group of people get nominated every year and its hard for POC to break into that group. That's why I was really rooting for Barkhad Abdi. He was amazing in Captain Phillips and deserved to win. I also don't really see him getting a ton of offers after this season, because 1) Hollywood…